Niklaus (Klaus or Nik)

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"I clearly possess all those wonderful talents and attributes. It's about time someone noticed." Klaus grinned wickedly, delighting in amusing himself at least, if no one else. He loved playing the part of the entertainer, almost as much as his brother Kol.

Ignoring his little brother's narcissistic musings, Elijah proceeded in asserting his point of view, "Rebekah will nurture her and show her the benefits of kindness, gentleness and compassion. She will demonstrate love without limits."

"Ah yes, our dear Rebekah. Ever the childless mother since the time she was old enough to walk. Now reveling in the chance to put those smothering skills to work on her beloved niece."

"Niklaus," Elijah spoke his brother's name in that warning tone he swore he perfected when Niklaus was a mere toddler. There were times Elijah was convinced he was born with the soul of an old man, even long before he became immortal.

Klaus put up his hands in mock surrender.

"You know I mean no harm, Brother. I love our precious little sister dearly."

Elijah acknowledged Niklaus's semi-apologetic response with a raised eyebrow, indicating his younger sibling needed to tread lightly, lest he receive a more formal reprimand.

Klaus nodded slightly, lowering his head as a gesture of respect in deference to his older brother's authority.

Now satisfied Niklaus was ready and willing to listen again, Elijah continued, saying, "Kol will teach her to embrace new experiences and live her life to the fullest. He will demonstrate humor, passion and vivacity, encouraging her to embrace change and cherish new friendships."

Klaus scoffed, "I think we both know the only thing our little brother will teach her is how to be the class clown and a colossal screw up."

Elijah set his glass down hard.

"Niklaus, do we need to move this discussion into the study?" He was not amused by his brother's callous remark regarding Kol. Yes he knew they had their differences in the past but they were still brothers. Kol was family and thus he deserved Niklaus's respect.

Straightening up rather quickly at the mention of changing the location of this tete e tete to a much less desirable venue, Klaus immediately replied, "No Brother, that won't be necessary."

Elijah wrinkled his brow, watching his younger brother closely for any signs indicating he may need to take further action. Seeing no display of defiance from Niklaus, he decided to proceed.

"Freya will show her the importance of perseverance, dedication and forgiveness. She will help her hone her magic and learn how to tap into her reserves to harness her inner strength and she will provide her focus on achieving her goals."

"Sounds like you've analyzed my daughter's guardian situation quite thoroughly," Klaus remarked with a smile. "I do so appreciate that, Brother. Despite the fact this family makes me want to murder people, it takes a village to raise a child. You know how the saying goes." He raised his glass in a toast, Elijah readily reciprocating the gesture.

And that was just the beginning of the eternal battle regarding methods of discipline that would rage on between my father and Uncle Elijah throughout my childhood. My father of course often choosing a more hands on approach while my uncle had a propensity towards psychological warfare. Neither was pleasant, nor wanted in my opinion but of course no one bothered to ask me how I would like to be punished. I don't believe any child is privilege to that choice, at least not very often anyway.

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