THREE: bane of my existence

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"To be so lonely, and I'm just an arrogant son of a bitch, who can't admit when he's sorry."

. . .

There are few people I happen to like. I barely tolerate everyone around me, and yet I keep them around for the sake of my boredom.

Like Chase, for example. Katherine's boyfriend who happens to think he invented the word golden boy and is dumber than a door.

With my arms crossed, I'm leaning back against the wall and I'm drowning out the sound of him yapping about shit I couldn't give two fucks about.

Seen as we both major in law he assumes we're friends, and as I said, I just tolerate his presence.

Instead of listening to his nonsense, I'm going over the papers I've read for my assignments and am already planning out the summaries in my head.

The fresh bruises on my knuckles are also a good distraction for the misery my ears are enduring at this moment.

The pain helps for a solid few minutes because Chase is too much of a fucking nuisance to bear. Even though he's twenty-two, he still acts like a high-school kid thinking he's prom-king and can bully anyone he wants.

Blonde hair, blue eyes, and the star quarterback of the university's football team.

A perfect match for the snake that is his girlfriend, aka the queen bee, Katherine.

It's when he stops talking that he catches my attention because the fucker never shuts up. He's laid his eyes on someone, and by the clench of his jaw, it's someone he doesn't like. I follow his line of vision, and my blood runs hot when I lay eyes on her.

Her tiny figure is walking up the steps of the corridor we're in right now. And going by her headphones and the bobbing of her head, she's oblivious to her surroundings and hasn't noticed me – yet.

She's balancing a cup of what's most likely coffee and her phone in one hand, while the other one is clutching the strap of her bag.

My eyes go over her face, and I take note of her nose, which isn't as red anymore, and lacks the irritated skin from blowing her nose all the time.

A reaction I caused, by letting a cat roam freely around her apartment. Petty on my part, but I couldn't help myself.

Knowing she thought of me every time she had to sneeze or took notice of her runny nose, brings a different type of satisfaction.

"She always walks around with her nose up in the air, as if she's too good for anyone else," Chase scoffs from beside me, eyes still narrowed on Valentina.

He claims to dislike her just because Katherine hates her so much, and he's always on Kate's side for everything. He's her lapdog like that.

"Don't tell me," I murmur, though I don't agree with what Chase is saying.

Val usually cowers away from busy crowds and tends to hide herself because of her social anxiety, the last thing she does is think she's better than anyone else.

Chase pushes himself off the wall as Val approaches, who still hasn't noticed us yet. She's holding her phone, eyes focused on the device.

So much so that she also doesn't take note of Chase holding his foot out, causing her to stumble.

A childish part on his behalf, and for some reason, my hands clench into fists, but I don't do or say anything.

Chase gets off on hurting people smaller than him, much to my annoyance. His cowardice has always grated on my nerves.

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