Five Years Later.

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The Mysterious Tower.

Merlin laughs and says."A form for the outside that fits the inside as well." Eraqus asks."Sirius, what did you do before the civil war?"

Sirius says."A man called Alister Moody trained me as an Auror, but I joined the war straight out of school like my friends."

Terra asks."Auror?" Sirius says."I think you would call it a policeman." Yensid asks."Then why dont you become one when we reach the Islands?"

Sirius says."I suppose I need to do something to keep myself busy." Eraqus asks."Yensid, I assume you can handle everything from here?"

Yensid says."Of course, Eraqus, thank you for your help." Terra says."Sirius, I'm sorry for..."

Sirius laughs and says."Dont worry about it, kid. Everyone is a bit of an idiot at your age."

Aqua asks.'"Are you sure we won't be able to take the baby with us?" Eraqus says Kindly."The academy is no place for a baby, you know this."

Sirius picks up Sora and says."Well, at least you're better with the ladies. Then your old man was."

Sora looks at Sirius with a confused look. Sirius signs playfully and says."You're just as hopeless as your dad."

This statement causes the others to laugh. Eraqus, Aqua, And Terra say goodbye. And head back to the Land of Departure.

Sirius turns to Merlin and asks."Say, Merlin, what is your animal form?" Merlin replies with a smirk."Who says I only have one?"

Sirius asks."Those are the rules, are they not?" Yensid says."We have pushed magic to heights that transcend our world's knowledge."

Sirius asks."Okay, im curious now. Can you show me?" Merlin transforms first into a mouse. Followed by a goat, And finished with an owl.

"Wow, you have skills that would make Aunt Minny blush." Exclaims Sirius. Merlin asks."Aunt Minny?" Sirius says."Minerva McGonagall, our transfiguration professor."

The three adults keep talking about many things. They settle into the Destiny Islands as planned, With Sirius becoming a cop. And the four strangers, with their warmth and humor, became well-liked by the locals.

Five Years have Passed. And Sora is now Six years old. Thanks to his training and education. Sora becomes the strongest kid on the island. He becomes Best friends with a Silver-haired boy named Riku and A red-haired girl called Kairi.

Destiny Islands. 31th Juli 1986.

Riku ask."Are you sure there is a monster in there, Kairi?" Kairi says."Yes, I heard it roar." Sora asks."Suppose there is a monster in the secret place. Are you sure we can beat it?"

Kairi says."The three of us can handle anything." Riku laughs and asks."So me and Sora will do all of the work?" Kairi says."Hey, I help." Sora asks."Mabye we should ask Uncle Sirius or My gramps for help?"

Kairi says."Im sure we will be fine." Sora and Riku both say."Fine, we know better than to argue with you."

They walk into the cave and find nothing at all. Riku says."It's probably the wind making those noises." Kairi says."let's go outside and get some birthday cake."

Sora laughs and says."You bounced back quickly." Kairi says."It's not that big of a deal." Riku says."Let's go, there is nothing here anyway." Sora looks at the door and sees a strange key-like hole.

Sora thinks to himself."I wonder why nobody can see this?" Riku calls."Ey Sora, are you coming or what?" Sora says."Be right there."

Sora's birthday party is underway. And island kids are having a good time. They play fun-filled games having great cake. Sirius looks down from the tower with a smile and a tear in his eyes.

Sirius thinks."Lily and James would have loved this. Seeing their son so Happy."

Meanwhile, at Hogwarts.

Dumbledore thinks to himself. "I wonder how Sirius and Harry are doing?" McGonagall walks in and says."I have visited all of the muggle-born children for the coming year."

Dumbledore says."Well done, Minevera." She asks."Have you heard from Sirius or Lily and James's son?" Dumbledore says."Nothing, but im sure they are fine."

McGonagall asks."Do you think the boy will attend Hogwarts?" Dumbledore says."Yes, I received a letter from Yensid. Saying that in Harry's eleventh year, he will join his classmates."

McGonagall says."Good, It will give the children a chance to reconnect." Dumbledore asks."How is she?" Mcgonagall says."smart and engaging. She will be a great witch."

Suddenly, a sneering voice says."With Black raising the boy, he will likely turn into his swine of a father." Dumbledore says."You must learn to let go of the past, Severus."

Back at the Islands.

The party winds down, And the Islanders go home. And Sora heads upstairs. While he walks upstairs, a thunderstorm starts.

When Sora walks into the main chamber, he sees Not only Yensid, Merlin, and Sirius but also Eraqus, Aqua, Terra, and Ventus waiting for him.

Eraqus gives Sora a Keyblade Armor made of gold and silver, with the head looking like a stag.

Terra teaches Sora a technique called Strike Raid. Aqua teaches Him the Cure Spell. And Ventus Gives him a magic Bag that can hold many items.

From Merlin, he receives the Blizzard Spell. And Yensid gives him his official Keyblade wielder Uniform.

Due to the thunderstorm raging outside, Sirius teaches Sora how to be an Animagus. Sora's Form is a magnificent White Stag.

Merlin says."You can stop the storm you conjured, Old boy." And as Yensid canceled the storm, the weather changed back.

While the party continues, The adults keep talking. Sora, Terra, Aqua, and Ventus. Head over to the Play Island.

The four students relax on the beach, and Terra asks."Sora, what have you heard of a wielder called Xehanort?"

Sora says."Not Much I heard is that he is much like Masters Yensid, and Eraqus is a Keyblade master. And that even by their standards, is Brillant and Powerful."

Aqua says."We heard the same, but nothing more than that either." Terra asks."Ven, Are you sure you dont remember anything?"

Ventus shrugs and replies."Nothing at all, im afraid." Sora asks."Mabye something happened between the four of them?"

Aqua says."Do you mean like a falling out? That would explain Master Eraqus's scars. And their reluctance to broach the subject."

Suddenly, a voice says."The four of you are correct in your assumptions." The four students look up and See Eraqus walking towards them.

Eraqus says."Let's return to the tower. It's time we explain to you what happened."

End of Chapter.

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