7th degree black belt in Taekwondo..?

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*grabs his phone from his hand. Opens Google and Googles her name and shows him.* "Better ain't mess with me little boy."

*He sees and reads* - " young successful CEO of biggest Taekwondo training centre in Korea ,whose Taekwondo world championship title holder has been her name for 16 years straight with 7th degree black belt"

*Jungkook finally realises this was the girl not just the whole country but the whole world was shocked by how hardworking and passionate she was towards Taekwondo, as he whispers to himself *

"That's right!" *Smirks*

He stares at you in absolute disbelief. He opens your Wikipedia page to read it for himself and sees the truth written before him. "No..." he whispers softly, a mixture of shock and fear running through his veins. "That can't be. There's no way a woman like you could be so successful and skilled in combat."

You see the color drain from his face, and he looks at you with an expression of pure awe and fear.

*smirks* "That's the reason why men don't step closer to me... *Whispers* you got some real guts I appreciate it... But not with that ego. Don't judge a book by it's cover~"

He swallows hard, realizing how big of a mistake he made as he noticed you were uncomfortable with physical touch. His tone shifts to a more humble and respectful one. "Forgive me for my attitude earlier. I was simply trying to protect you from the dangerous men here. I had no idea who you were or what your abilities were. But the thought came into my mind as I felt like I have surely seen you somewhere. Well...I hope you can forgive me for judging you so quickly."

*You nod* "Drink?" *As your way of forgiving him for now*

He smiles softly, his attitude completely shifting from intimidation to admiration. "I would be honored to share a drink with such a powerful woman. "

*smirks* "2 shots please" *tells to the bartender man. The bartender nods and pours the two shots into glasses. Jungkook grabs one of the glasses and raises his toasting glass at you.*

"To new found respect and understanding," *he says softly as you give him a soft and geniune smile to him.He downs the shot in one gulp and smiles widely.*"That was some potent stuff. I'm not much of a drinker, so it hit me quite hard," *he says with a bit of a blush spreading across his cheeks.*

*You scoff keeping you glass on the table and ask him* "New here?"

"Yeah, how can you tell?" *He says, laughing softly.* "It's actually the first time I've ever been to this bar. I'm not much of a biker gang type, but my friends insisted on bringing me here."

"Seeing you not handling the drink I came to conclusion. Well I suggest you to not hangout with such lame people." *Serious*

"They're not lame," he says with a bit of irritation. "They're my best friends. They've known me my entire life. It's not like they're bad people just because they like this place. I just prefer a more relaxed environment."

"You'll know one day*sips* why I said so."

"Well, I'll trust your guidance. You obviously are wise beyond your looks what made you think that?"

"I told you earlier, A childhood friend of mine broke friendship with me and betrayed me so badly that...*sighs* tried to bring me down on her level. She was cheating on her bf and poured the mistake onto mine that I did and stuff... Blah blah blah..."*rolls her eyes and sips* "Sometimes it's not about the people who you know for long... It's about people who truly understand and loves you matters even in short period of your meeting with them. The bond just stays forever and you don't feel scared to loose them."

"Oh I see..." He smirks and then pauses for a moment. "You come here often, then?"

"This is the 2nd time. I've never touched this alcohol before in my entire life... It's quite addictive."

He thinks to himself - "She's a very mysterious woman,she has the confidence of someone who is used to dealing with very rough people but also seem very closed off. I have to admit, I'm intrigued by her....but what made her this way...only a breakup from friendship?...This closes off..? Nah .. there might be more of her history I wanna know about....What is she trying to hide behind those beautiful yet intimidating eyes...?"

*He says softly trying not to be too personal but was curious to know more about you* "So you just came here to numb your pain off from your friendship breakup... just by drinking?"

*You look at him while sipping kinda annoyed at his repetitive questions* "What will you do after knowing it?"

"I'd like to try and help in any way that I can," *he says sincerely.* "These things are never easy to deal with on your own, and I don't want to see anyone suffering alone."

*You raise one of your eyebrows and speak to him* "Why are you too worried about me? What am I to you?"

*He stays silent for a moment thinking about your question"who you mean to him" his heart skips a beat no wonder why he felt this protective towards you. He looks up to you into your eyes with confidence and comfort.*
"I'd like to try and help in any way that I can," *he says sincerely.* "These things are never easy to deal with on your own, and I don't like to see anyone suffering alone."

"I don't need any advice. I learnt many throughout my life on my own."

He nods. "Sure you're very capable of managing this on your own. But I would just like to be here with you, even if just for emotional support. It's nice to have someone you can lean on in times like these."

"Hmm ..." *Sips*

He chuckles softly. "You're very stoic, I'll give you that." He hesitates for a moment but finally gains confidence and asks "Can I ask you a personal question?"

*You look at him waiting for his question*

He gives you a look of admiration and respect with a bit of curiosity to know about your life. "You're so confident and strong... Have you always been like this or is this something you developed over time....?"

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