Chapter 5

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-Tell me you've gotten some sleep. -Alexia murmured, her voice barely out of sleep.

-For a little while...-Although it was true, Ona couldn't quantify it.

-You should rest... - The blonde whispered as she brought a hand to her cheek.

-There is still time, it's not even two o'clock. - Ona ventured, calculating since the last time she had checked the time. -Have you set the alarm clock?

-Yes... -Alexia stated, turning her head to point to her cell phone on the table. The movement made her stretch a little, beginning to articulate the words better - It will ring early and I will go to my room before there starts to be movement in the hallways, but you don't care... You will possibly be in your deepest sleep. - Forecast.

-It's possible... I've been up for a while. -Ona confirmed.

-Thinking about something? -Alexia asked sweetly as she ran her fingertips over Ona's eyelids, barely touching them.

-How good I am like this...

Alexia also felt comfortable at that moment, with Ona smiling next to her as she felt her hand run over her with warm caresses. However, a concern once again invaded her thoughts. She decided to externalize it:

-Ona, do you promise me that you will be focused on the team? Without overthinking this too much?

-I will be focused on what my captain orders, and if she orders me to kiss her, so much the better. -She responded playfully while drawing random figures on the blonde's sternum with her index finger.

-Seriously... -Alexia continued -We can't let the possibility of this repeat itself occupy our minds.

-Wow... -Ona stirred, stopping her drawings -Are you telling me that it won't happen again? -The question carried a trace of sadness that Alexia detected and tried to dilute immediately.

-Hum... unless you manage to qualify us for the Olympic games. In that case I will be so euphoric that I think it is likely that I will rip off your clothes before we leave the stadium. -She detailed jokingly, trying to undo the tension. She was also convinced that she would stay with the team those days regardless of the medical examination, even if she did not play in the game.

-Wow -Ona exclaimed, catching the humorous tone. -Is this how you encourage the team? It doesn't surprise me that we have won a World Cup.

-Fuck off. -The blonde laughed openly.

-I will go wherever you ask me - Ona replied as if searching in the air for the direction to that part.

-You will stop fooling around...

-Hush, I'm calculating... -Ona meditated, sitting up on her shoulder -If qualifying us is worth a fuck... Winning the games necessarily implies marriage! –She acted out having had that enlightenment after counting one plus one with her fingers.

-You're like a fool... -The blonde continued laughing.

-Hum... Do you know what I'm telling you? Ona continued, jumping onto the bed -I'm going to win that match by myself. As a winger, center back, forward and goalkeeper. MVPplus! Do you think I'm not capable? -She boasted, displaying the muscles in her arms.

-You are very capable of covering all those positions in milliseconds. -Alexia acknowledged.

-You think I'm a roadrunner, but you're wrong... Actually I'm omnipresent. -Revealed like a secret.

-And omnivorous. -Alexia added without questioning the above.

-That too... -Ona admitted, moving the duvet aside a little to exemplify her words with small bites on the blonde's abdomen. -Yum, yum. -She said, looking into her eyes from below, wanting to let her know that she had not been able to forget that moment in the car. Alexia's look revealed that she remembered it too. She smiled at her from the pillow and took Ona's jaw in her hands. It would take a while to get serious again.

-Do we agree that you will be responsible for what we owe?

Ona was still looking down at her with her face still resting on her hands. -I will know how to behave, Ale, I am an adult woman, remember?

-I remember you shaking like a flan just a few hours ago. -Alexia pointed out, visualizing that nervous Ona at the desk while she manipulated t-shirts senselessly.

-Because I was only thinking about devouring you -The smallest one justified, which left her companion coming to a conclusion:

-Tension resolved, then.

-Hum... -Ona questioned -What if we resolve it again? -She suggested cheekily as she slipped her face from Alexia's hands and began to descend again towards her thighs.

-Go to sleep now! -Alexia exclaimed, managing to catch her by the ears just before Ona reached her goal under the sheet.

-Ohhh -She protested as she ascended, dragged by the blonde's hands, who did not let go until she made sure she was lying down next to her.

-Don't even think about making eyes at me, freckled temptress.

Ona definitely made eyes at her.

-Do you like me a little bit? -She asked like a puppy asking for adoption while seeking refuge in her neck.

-I like you, idiot. -Replied Alexia, welcoming her with her arms.

-Said that way, it doesn't sound very convincing. -Ona protested.

-It's okay- Alexia admitted- Let's see if that's better... -She didn't manage to pronounce an eloquent argument. Instead, she began to cover her with small kisses slowly distributed all over her face, leaving not an inch left to seal. She ended with a long kiss on her lips, which they both prolonged until Alexia knew what to say: -I love you, Ona, be clear. I would like to be like this with you a thousand times, I only ask that we be professional and mature. We have a lot at stake, okay?

Alexia became convinced that Ona would remain serious on this occasion, and yet...

-You can't imagine how horny the responsible Alexia makes me. -She said playfully while sliding a hand towards her buttocks.

-No way... -The blonde despaired - You're not going to stop...

-Okay, okay... -Ona could no longer contain her laughter. Small tears were beginning to escape her eyes because of how comical she found the alternation of delicacy and desperation that her friend was managing, trying so hard in the first to fall at times in the second. She found it endearing that Alexia was trying so hard to be nice to her when she was clearly abusing her patience. Ona decided not to continue tightening that rope.

-I'll stop, really, I'll stop... She said, wiping her tears with the back of her hand. -Ale, I'm more than fine and I plan to continue being so. Clear objective: the games. -She stated without breaking seriousness.

-That's how I like it. -Alexia approved, at first with some distrust and little by little convinced, when she saw that Ona kept her face serious and serene. -That's how I like you. -She added, kissing her again before resting her cheek on the pillow while she closed her eyes to leave them that way.

It seemed to Ona that within a few minutes she had fallen asleep again. She also thought she confirmed that suspicion when Alexia lazily turned away from her. She then hugged her. She had a certainty that made her somewhat nostalgic in advance: when she woke up, Alexia would no longer be there.

Without leaving her body, she crawled down a little and reached for her knee, covering it with her hand to return to a previous fantasy. "Healing superpower... I ask myself," she thought.

But Alexia wasn't sleeping yet. She felt Ona's body on her back and that hand gently covering her knee.

Alexia squeezed her eyelids for strength. She had to be able to apply to herself what was asked of the youngest. Try to focus and not let Ona occupy all her thoughts from then on. She doubted if she would succeed. She looked so capable of loving her...

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