"Go!" Leo yelled, his voice deadly serious. "Go, go, go!"

Everyone was still disoriented. I don't know how Leo was managing to have a fully functioning brain. Mine felt like mush. Buford the table clattered across the deck with his holographic Hedge yelling.


Then his tabletop split into helicopter blades and Buford buzzed away. Frank changed form. He turned into a dragon, still looking dazed. Hazel climbed onto his neck with Annabeth behind her. Frank grabbed Percy and I in his front claws, then spread his wings and soared away.

I grumbled curses as I clung onto Frank. My thigh was still hurting, but the blood was dry now. Jason held Piper as he followed after us. I stared at the ground below to see a vast army of monsters spread across the hills surrounding two tiny islands of demigods. At the crest of Half-Blood Hill, gathered at the feet of the Athena Parthenos was the main force of Camp Half-Blood along with some Romans. There were another groups of Roman demigods in a defensive formation several hundred yards away and seemed to be taking the brunt of the attack.

Giant eagles circled above Jason, screeching urgently, as if looking for orders. Frank flew alongside Jason. I glanced at Jason and Piper. Leo was still on the Argo II preparing something. Piper gave me a reassuring nod.

"Hazel!" Jason yelled. "Those three cohorts are in trouble! If they don't merge with the rest of the demigods-"

"Got it!" Hazel said. "Go, Frank!"

Frank veered to the left as I clung tightly to his leg. A screech flew past my lips at the sudden movement. I hated the feeling of free falling so much. It reminded me of my joyride with Daedalus's wings. Curses escaped my lips. I swear I saw Jason laughing at me.

"Let's get 'em!" Annabeth yelled.

"I hate flying!" Percy screamed, scrambling to hold onto Frank tighter.

As we descended, Jason and Piper veered right toward the summit of Half-Blood Hill. As we neared the Roman demigods, I spotted my Roman half brother. Dakota was fighting against a grain spirit. He slashed his sword, cutting the grain spirit in half. It turned into a pile of barley.

Frank lowered to the ground and let Percy and I land. He let go of us as he landed a few feet away. Hazel and Annabeth jumped off his back. Frank transformed back into his demigod self.

"Ivy! Percy!" Dakota lazily grinned. He then noticed his other friends. "Hazel and Frank and the scary blonde girl!"

"I-you know what, I'm not going to comment on that." Annabeth sighed, gripping her sword.

"Dakota, catch us up." Frank stated as we drew closer to the Romans.

The other Roman demigods spotted us and relief flooded their features. They fought off any monsters that grew too close.

"Octavian has lost his mind-"

"I could have told you that." Percy muttered, scanning for the scrawny blonde in the crowd.

"We lost him after we started to fight the monsters." Dakota continued. "I have no idea where he went. Reyna is with Nico and two other blonde guys that have to be Apollo's sons."

"Seth and Will." Annabeth said, quickly looking for her boyfriend.

Around us, the demigods continued to fight against the monsters. I struggled to will the vines to grow. Gritting my teeth, I managed to create a weak hedge of vines between the Romans and the monsters for a little breather. They sent me a thankful smile.

"I've been struggling to create vines since Gaea sent the monsters." Dakota blinked at me. "How are you doing that?"

"With great struggle." I huffed out. "She's fighting me, for sure, but I don't think she's fully awake yet. Otherwise this wouldn't be possible."

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