Kickin: "It's time, looks like Catnap is finally waking up."

Bobby: "Hopefully we can finally have a conversation with him now..."

*he opened his eyes a bit, looking around confused but clearly tired, wanting to go back to sleep, so he just let out a small groan before he closed his eyes again going back to sleep, clearly tired*

*The groan that Catnap made due to him being tired and wanting to sleep more made Dogday feel a bit bad for him. He felt like this poor cat had been through way too much trauma and pain to be able to recover his strength fully. Dogday wanted to let the cat sleep a little more now, so he did, but he made sure to remain caressing Catnap's head as a way of comforting and calming him while the cat was asleep, hoping it could have some positive results in his sleep.*

*and his ear twitched again at dogday's touch*

*Dogday's heart felt so relieved and happy after seeing Catnap's reaction to his touch. The cat's tired and slow reaction to this made the doggo feel like Catnap was indeed enjoying this touch from him, which made him want to pet him even more so he could stay calm during the time he was asleep.*

Kickin: "He's still enjoying your touch, Dogday."

Bobby: "The cat looks so peaceful right now."

*and the purring came back*

*The purring coming back in a very soft and slow manner made Dogday feel so relieved and glad, so much that seeing Catnap enjoying his touch so much made him just want to keep on petting and caressing the cat. He wasn't planning to stop, not until the cat fully woke up and wasn't so tired and sore anymore.*

Kickin: "So it's safe to say Catnap really likes Dogday's touch, right?"

Bobby: "I think it's a clear case, yeah..."

Picky:"I wonder how he'll react if someone else pet him instead of dogday?"

*When Picky raised this idea, Dogday became a bit curious by himself. He wondered what would happen if someone else tried to pet Catnap instead of him. Would the cat react positively like this or completely different? Maybe even violently? So they should try it out and see what actually happens.*

Kickin: "Maybe I can try giving Catnap a pet instead of Dogday, to see what happens?"

Bobby: "I can also try petting him, it might be a good idea to test multiple cases with different people."

*kickin tries first and catnap's reaction is not good, as he wakes up and gives kickin a death stare until he takes his hand off and goes back to sleep*

*After seeing Catnap react so negatively to Kickin petting his body, it made Dogday feel a bit worried, although it wasn't really unexpected. He saw that Catnap just gave him a death stare and didn't really say much about it, and he quickly took his hand off of the cat, making Catnap go back to sleep. Catnap seemed to get uncomfortable if anyone other than Dogday touched him.*

Bobby: " seems like Catnap's reaction was bad to Kickin...I'll try to pet him now and see what happens..."

*bobby tries and catnap doesn't have a good reaction, but his reaction is not that bad as kickin's attempt, instead he just moved his head away a bit from the touch*

*After Bobby tried petting Catnap, the cat's reaction was slightly different compared to Kickin's attempt. The cat only moved his head away a little bit from the touch, but it didn't make Catnap mad or uncomfortable. He just seemed to not enjoy the pet, but it wasn't enough to make him feel uneasy.*

Bobby: "Hmm...seems like Catnap's reaction to my pet wasn't the best. It wasn't as bad as Kickin, but it's clear that Dogday is the only one Catnap wants to be touched by..."

Picky:"can yall pls rephrase your words better-?"

*After hearing Picky wanting to rephrase Bobby's words because of how they sounded, the doggo couldn't keep from laughing and laughing at how bad the wordings that the two of them had tried to use. To their own surprise, it was actually true that Catnap only wanted to be touched by Dogday and didn't want it from anyone else, but the way the two of them had tried to express it didn't make it sound that good. This made Dogday laugh even harder.*

Dogday: "We could've used some better words, huh..."

*this made bubba and crafty laugh aswell*

*After seeing everyone laugh from Picky's comment about making them rephrase what they had said, now the whole team, and especially Dogday, couldn't do much other than laugh along with the idea. Even Catnap's reactions made everyone laugh even more, specially Dogday, who was enjoying this moment of seeing everyone happy.*

Dogday: "Yeah, maybe we should've reworded that..."

His ears are back up!"

*Everyone's laughter was cut off by Crafty, since now he was the one that pointed out that Catnap's ears were up again. Everyone now got serious and looked back at Catnap, noticing his ears were back up and that he was probably going to wake up again. So now they needed to have that discussion with him after he wakes up.*

Bobby: "Let's try and stay quiet and see what he says when he wakes up. We should have that talk with him now that his ears are back up and he's probably going to wake up completely soon."

*but he stayed asleep*

Bubba:"he's really tired huh?"

*With Catnap still staying asleep despite his ears going up, everyone in the room felt a bit worried that this could be a bad thing for the cat's recovery. So they simply all stayed quiet for a little before Kickin decided to speak first.*

Kickin; "He's still staying asleep, he's definitely tired."

Bobby: "Yeah, I agree. It looks like Catnap is still tired for now. It's probably safe to keep him asleep a little while longer, right?
and his tail still didn't let go of dogday's hand."

*As Bobby commented about Catnap's tail still holding on to Dogday's hand firmly, the doggo himself noticed that the cat's grip seemed to be slightly tighter than it was. This made Dogday feel so relieved that Catnap wasn't going to let go of his hand anytime soon, since that was what he wished for the most right now. That gave him a huge sense of relief when he noticed the increased grip.*

Crafty:"the pendants should be almost done drying....then we'll do the paw prints and use another layer of resin"

Hoppy:"that sure takes awhile to dry"

*With the revelation that the Pendants were already almost dry, now it was only a matter of time before they would soon be ready to take pictures and make them as close as possible to Catnap's actual paw prints. The patience was important, but the result of this was also exciting to consider.*

Dogday: "Looks like it's almost done then, I can't wait to see the results."

Kickin: "It is taking a while though, I'm getting pretty bored..."

The Guilt || Dogday x Catnap ||Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ