"Did you buy something" she eyes my hands. "No but I will be in the evening. They'll lower their prices significantly after the sun sets". "But many of them will be gone by the morning" she says almost sadly. I narrowed my eyes at her. "Yes because they're just passing by". Still, why come all the way to Dormeadow. They could have taken a different route, one that is much easier and direct.

"It's just.... I hate it that its so quite in here, I liked Tuskenvale better. It was so loud and full of life unlike this dead town" she mumbles.

"You used to live in the Tuskenvale?" I asked genuinely surprised, it's so far away. She nods.

"Then what are you doing here. I thought you lived here with your aunt" I asked genuinely surprised. That's what Bodil said. "No, I lied to avoid suspicion. I actually sleep at tavern. I leave with everyone and then sneak back in. That's the only safest place I know" she smiles at me sheepishly. "I was a traveler just like you, passing by but then I decided to stay" she adds.

"Why did you then if you liked the Tushkenvale better?". 

"Because I didn't have anywhere to go". I looked at her pitifully but she averts her gaze. "At first I just wanted to earn some money so I got a job at the tavern but then I saw you. You were alone just like me, a traveler. I thought you were passing by like everyone else but then you decided to stay. I thought may be it wouldn't be so bad. Its hard being alone on top of that I'm a woman. I was so alone and I couldn't go back to Tuskenvale" she sighs miserably.

"Is somebody after you?" I say slowly, she shakes her head abruptly. "No....Yes, I don't know" she whispers quietly. I can see tears welling in her eyes.

 "Come on let's talk about something else. Do you want to buy something" I smile trying to cheer her up but she gave a very sad heart breaking smile. She'll tell me when she's ready.

I would have never guessed anything about Seefa if she didn't tell me herself. She looked so easy going and always wears the biggest smile on her face. It's funny how we so blind to other person's pain. 

The tavern is extra crowded today just like yesterday. I wonder why this many people are migrating to the west. They have no reason to. Werewolves politics and business is their own, it doesn't involve humans. That's what treaty said. It's been there for centuries.

But if this many people are moving than may be something happened, something huge which I am unaware of. 'Should I move....no, I can't'. I neither have resources nor money to move. May be it doesn't involve me I am being paranoid. It's been years may be they forget about me and moved on. Somehow it doesn't make me feel any better. A painful bitter feeling rises up in my chest at the thought.

I got pulled out of my thoughts by a slap on the butt. "Who has you thinking this hard, love" I tried to mask my disgust as the huge greasy man snaked his hand around my waist and pulled me on his lap, rubbing his hands on my thighs. This is why I left the city. "Men don't like women who thinks too much" earning a roar of laughter from the crowd. Dear goddess, I am starting to have a headache.

I mustered biggest smile on my face while detangling his huge arms around my waist, "You seem to be out of whiskey sir, let me take care of that" I said carefully.

"Why don't we forget about the whiskey and get out of here. What you say love" tightening his hold on the waist. "I have a lot of money in my pocket. Why don't you check it out" he whispered in my ears as he forcefully took the my hand and put it inside his pants. I was so startled by his actions that I couldn't even hide my disgust at this point. Where is everybody

"How about I.." I started slowly while trying to remove my hand but before I could finish speaking Freja interrupted me. "Farce is asking for you. Urgently" she looked dead in the eye of greasy man. He  reluctantly let me go as the crowd booed at Freja. I hurriedly made my way back to the kitchen. Don't think. I used kitchen railing to support my weight. Deep breaths. I take some dish soap from the sink and scrubbed my hands thoroughly. Oh the feel of his semi erect... I shuddered. I think I might vomit.

I turned around only to be met with Freja's extremely angry eyes. I averted my eyes somehow they made me feel very small. "Thank you for saving me back there. These man are disgusting" I smiled gratefully. 

"Why didn't you say anything. You looked so completely unbothered. You were sitting on his lap as if you enjoyed it" she said angrily pointing her finger at me as if I committed a heinous crime. Okay now I am extremely angry.

"Excuse me. Do you how many times I've been slapped on the butt since I started working. How many times men have tried to forcefully kiss me. If I tried to make a scene every time, I'll be out of my job and on the streets" my voice rises. "I have lived alone all my life and the one thing it has taught me is that fighting for yourself doesn't get you anywhere. It doesn't put food on your table. It only makes you life difficult" I add before I made my way outside through the back door.

I need some fresh air. My mood turned extremely sour at her accusation. Her words triggered some unwanted memories into my mind.

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