10 - Seonghwa

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I ran out of Yeosang's room. He jumped me. Falling to the floor. The remote landed somewhere.



"Give me the damn remote, bitch!"

I turned over and we started to slap each other. He grabbed my collar and started to shake me. "It's my turn!" He slammed me onto the floor. How the hell is he this strong?!

"Then get the remote and get off of me!" He dropped me. He got off of me and took the remote. "Fucken rat."

As I was about to get up, he reached over the armrest and grabbed my collar. "Call me that again and I'll strangle you."

"You're a bitch."

"Thanks. Bitches get things done."

"If bitches really get things done, then do it. Try to strangle me. See what happens."

He huffed and pushed me away.

I rolled my eyes. I got up and went to get my laptop. Sitting back down at the coffee table. Just doing some of the school work I had to do for the week I have been absent.

"That's wrong." I turned and stared at him. "You heard me. Your answer for number seven is wrong."

"The fuck you mean it's wrong?! It's clearly fucken right!"

"Bro, I did that shit an hour ago! I know what the answer is."

"And I know you have crappy memory! Don't think I don't know about you not knowing Hongjoong's birthday!"

He shrieked. "Shut the hell up! I do know his birthday!"

"What is it then?" I smirked at him.

He smirked back. "November, seventh. Bitch."

"Oh, so you finally learned. Jongho's?"

"October, twelfth."


"March, twenty-third."


"July, tenth."


"November, twenty-sixth."


"August, ninth."


His face dropped. He then rolled his eyes. "Why the fuck would I know your's?"

"I know yours. June, fifteen."

He scoffed. "You're a fucken loser. That's what you are."

"It's April third."


"My birthday dip shit." I laughed. "You really weren't following the conversation."

"No. It's why do you give a shit if I know or not."

"I thought you wanted to be better than me. Can't be better when you don't even know my birthday." He smacked the back of my head. "STOP HITTING ME ON MY HEAD!" I grabbed his wrist and pulled him down. "Do it again and I'm shaving your head."

"Shave my head and I'll shave yours. Or even worse, I'll give you a fucken bowl cut."

He was going to leave but I pulled him down. He fell on top of me.

Our door swung open.

"Oh, you guys are doing... Things." I turned my head. Oh great, it's San. He started to push Mingi and Hongjoong out of the door. "Let's leave them to their activities."

"Don't be weird!" Yeosang said.

"Yeah, don't be weird." I turned back and Yeosang was still sitting on me. I stared at him.

The other weirdos came in.

"You sure? I mean look at you two." San sat on the couch. "All cuddled up. So cute."

Yeosang slapped me before getting off. I rubbed my cheek. He sat next to me. I smacked him. He grabbed my hair and I grabbed his.

"Ok, can you two stop?" Hongjoong reached over and grabbed our hands. Taking us off of each other. He pulled me over to him. I had to crawl around the coffee table. Yeosang kicked me. I kicked him back.

He slammed my laptop shut.

"If my screen is broken, you're buying me a new one!" I pointed at him. He grabbed my hand and pulled me hard enough that I smacked my face on the table. "You bitch."

I did the same thing to him.

"THAT'S IT!" He sat up to jump over the table. San grabbed him and sat him down. I stuck my tongue out at him. He flipped me off.

"Oh god, now that they're older, they are getting physical!" Mingi laughed.

"Ok but what were you two doing earlier? You guys looked..." San started but Yeosang covered his mouth.

"You finish that sentence, I'll get Wooyoung to drop your ass." San put his hands up. "EEWW! You licked my hand!" Yeosang pulled his hand away. He wiped his hand on San's face. "You're nasty." He then smiled. "You don't know where my hands have been. They've been all over Seonghwa."

"Ok, and you say I'm disgusting." San scooted away from him.

"Kang, don't make it weird."

"Kang?" Hongjoong asked. "You call him by his last name?"

"What? He calls me by mine."

"But he just called you by your first."

"It's just a thing."

"Yeah, he especially likes it when I call him Seongie, right Seongie?" Yeosang laughed.

"You are so correct Sangie." I rolled my eyes and smiled at him when he crossed his arms and glared.

Getting up and groaning when there was a knock on the door. I stopped and then turned around. "Wait, how the fuck did you get in where we've had the door locked the entire time?" I asked Hongjoong.

"Magic." Mingi waved his hands around.

"None of your concerns." Hongjoong turned away.

"We made a spare key!" San smiled. Mingi smacked him on the arm. "Dude!"

I rolled my eyes and opened the door. Shoved to the side when Yeosang's friends walked in.

"WE ARE FREE!" Wooyoung kneeled on the ground.

"For the rest of the day." Jongho sat down next to Hongjoong.

Closing the door. I felt my head start to hurt. With all of them here, it's going to be hectic and I'm going to feel like a damn third wheel... Well more like a seventh wheel.

I sat back down. Yeosang sat down next to me. He and I looked at each other before turning to everyone else. They all started to pair up and start to flirt with each other... Of course they would. This is another reason why we keep our friend group separate.

Yeosang and I gagged.

"They either need to leave or move away from each other." He whispered to me. I nodded.

"I'm hungry though." I whispered back to him.


We sat there for a while. We tried to bring up the topic about food but they wouldn't listen. I was just debating on just ordering food for myself... But I wouldn't want to eat with this desperate sight in front of me.

"Want to just leave them here and get something to eat and hope they leave by the time we get back?"

"Yeah, I'm down."

We stood up and they didn't even pay attention. We left the dorms and got in my car. "Where to, princess?" Starting the car.

"I'm feeling fried chicken."

I rolled my eyes. "Why did I even ask? Of course, it's chicken."

"Chicken is the best and you know it."

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