9 - Yeosang

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Waking up, I got up and walked out of my room. Rubbing my eyes, I tried to bring my hair down by running my fingers through my hair. I stopped and stared at Seonghwa in the kitchen. I blinked a couple of times.

"Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be in class?"

"Nope." He turned around and placed a mug on the counter. He slid it over my way. "Thanks for yesterday." He then laughed. "You're feisty."

I shrugged and walked over and took the mug. It was the same tea from last time. "So why aren't you going to class?" I blew at the tea. Taking small sips.

"Because I supposedly need my time to think and feel better about what had just happened to me because now they think I would get PTSD from females. Fucken stupid." He flopped onto the couch.

I giggled. "That is stupid."

"Yeah but what can you do? They are just dumb. At least she is expelled though."

"Oh. So they listened to my threat that I had sent them." I smiled. I didnt send a threat but maybe what I had said is considered one.

"Guess so... Wait, what?"

This feels nice. Just talking without arguments starting but it's fun to actually argue with him. Seeing him lose his temper is so funny and cute... What the fuck?

Cute? Why the fuck would I think it's... I dropped the mug and covered my face.

"What the fuck? Dude!"

I can't be thinking like this. Yeah, he is hot, that's literally the only good thing about him. I've admitted that to myself and him but ME calling HIM CUTE?! OUT OF THE FUCKEN QUESTION.

I quickly stepped back. Opening my door and going into my room and locking myself in. Sliding down the door and sitting there.

This can't be happening. I shouldn't even think of him like that.

My teeth were jittery. My hands... My whole body is shaking. The idea of thinking like that of him made my whole body hurt. However, it didn't feel abnormal to think about him like that.

I smacked myself. My cheek and hand were stinging. 

Crawling over to my bed. Hiding underneath my bed. I curled into a ball. I can't. I need to stay away from him.

I'm better than him. He is the bitch who has ruined my life. Always trying to beat me in everything we do. I'll show him who is better. I'm better. In. Every. Possible. Way. He will not get the best of me.

I crawled out from under my bed. Screaming when Seonghwa was standing in the doorway. He was leaning against the door frame.

"You were under your bed?"

"How did you get in?"

"The same way I saved your dumbass from the bathroom a couple of days ago."

"Don't do that without my permission." I sat on my bed.

"The hell is up with you?"

"Nothing." I grabbed my laptop and opened it.

He huffed and left, closing my door on his way out.

I feel like such a bitch now. I completely just switched on him but we are equally like that. So I don't know why it's bugging me now.

My door then flew open. I quickly turned and Seonghwa grabbed me and shoved me into my closet. "Get your ass ready, we're going to the store." He left.

I just did as told. I got ready and left my room.

"God, do you always take so long to get dressed?"

I turned around and saw that the mug I had broken was cleaned up. We left. Making our way downstairs.

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