5 - Yeosang

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Waking up was hard for me. My head hurts. My eyes burned and the lights hurt my eyes. Thankfully Seonghwa had closed my curtains but the little light that came in still hurt.

My door opened. I slowly sat up.

"You doing better?" Seonghwa came in with a cup. He sat it down on my nightstand.

"Still feel like shit."

He took the ice pack from me. He handed me painkillers. "Here. Also, your friends are on their way. They plan on ditching class for you."

"You seriously didn't have to."

"I didn't want to hear it from Wooyoung or Hongjoong." He flicked me on the head. I slapped his hand away. "Also..." He left the room and came back with a bag. He sat it down on my desk. "I got you soup."

"Why are you being so nice?"

"Like I said, don't want to hear it from Wooyoung or Hongjoong."

There was knocking on the door. He flicked me on my forehead again before leaving. I rubbed my forehead. Soon enough, my friends came crashing into my room.

"OH MY GOD, MY BABY!" Wooyoung hugged me.

"Hey! He is injured! Don't injure him even more!" Yunho pulled him off. Jongho shook his head.

Wooyoung got under the blankets with me and just cuddled up to me. Yunho and Jongho just sat at the end of my bed.

"You guys seriously didn't need to come." I poked Wooyoung.

"No, we had to. When Seonghwa told us what happened, we knew we had to come take care of you." Wooyoung clung to me.

"We knew he wouldn't take care of you but it looked like he bought you some stuff." Yunho smirked.

I groaned. I grabbed the painkillers and put them in my mouth. Taking the mug and drinking the tea. It was so damn good. Perfect temperature, sweetest, no overwhelming flavor.

I slid more into my blankets and pillows.

"Yeosang, I'm going! Keep your friends out of my shit!" Seonghwa yelled. "I'll bring the weirdos some food later too! You own me damn it!" He left.

"Isn't he sweet?" Jongho rolled his eyes.

"At least he isn't acting like a total ass to him. He is trying to help in his own weird aggressive way." Yunho laughed.

"Yeah, he helped me last night. I'm still going to show him up once I'm back to class. He told me not to go for the next three days and then I have to wait for the damn weekend!" I crossed my arms.

"We will be right here!" Wooyoung hugged me tighter.

That was a damn lie. They left me three hours later. After they left I ate. I had a bit of a difficult time eating. My hands were shaking and I just felt sluggish overall.

I was in bed and I felt like complete shit. I had this weird feeling in my legs. One leg more than the other. I didn't move them. I just sat and stayed on my phone as I had my laptop on something random.

It was annoying to just do nothing.

I had finished my tea, which sucked. I want more but I was just thirsty right now. I got up. Almost falling, I felt dizzy. I held onto anything to keep walking.

Getting out of my room. I pushed myself off the wall and tried to get to the kitchen. I felt myself about to fall. My vision got a bit blurry. The light hurt my eyes. Reaching out since I was getting close to the counter.

"Yeosang!" Seonghwa caught me. "What the hell are you doing? You're supposed to stay in bed."

"I just wanted something to drink."

"I'll get it for you. Where the hell are your friends? I thought they were going to take care of you?"

He picked me up. At this point, I didn't care. He laid me back down on my bed. "What do you want to drink?" I looked at the cup that was still on the nightstand. "Tea?" I nodded. "Same thing?"


"Fine. I also brought some food too." He left and brought the food in. "I got fried chicken but your friends aren't here." He left again.

I was sat there with a whole bucket of chicken on my lap. I felt my mouth water. "All for me?" I whispered... or so I thought.

"Yeah. It's all for you." He had come back in. He picked up my other stuff. "I had eaten earlier." He flicked me on the forehead again before leaving.

I opened it and began to eat. It tasted so good. Not long later he came back in with my tea.

"Thank you. Seriously. You really didn't need to do all of this."

"Yeah, it's fine. It's happened to me before. It feels like complete shit... One of them was the time you pushed me off a playground when we were in elementary."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "You're still mad about that? You got me back that same day. You threw a basketball at me... In the face!"

He was about to flick me again but I grabbed his wrist. "Stop it! It hurts!"

"I know!" He used his other hand. I rubbed my head after he took his hand back from me.

"You're a bitch you know that!"

"Yeah, I know! I've been told! You're the first and I know you will be the last."

"I'm honored!"

He groaned before he left the room. I continued to eat. A little annoyed that after ten minutes I was halfway through the bucket. Almost done with my tea. I really didn't want to bug him again with the tea.

Just thinking about him hurts my head. He is such a fucken... He came back in. He came back over and set another glass down he picked up the other one and poured it into the new one.

He left without saying anything. He didn't hit me.

I slouched into my bed. It bugs me how nice he is being. I don't like it. It feels weird. HIM being NICE to ME! Not possible. Extremely impossible. He wants something out of this. I know he does.

I grumpily continued to eat the chicken.

He would occasionally come in and ask me if I needed anything.

He knows how to take care of someone. I'm lucky he is even able to but for him out of all people to even help me, it's strange.

It kind of feels nice that he isn't arguing with me. This is a side of him that is weird to see.

But it's still Seonghwa. I'm going to show him up when I'm better.

That damn loser.

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