1 - Yeosang

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Opening the door to my new dorm, I took all my stuff in. Quickly putting all my stuff the way I want it to be. Adding the sheets and then blankets to my bed. Putting all my clothes away next. Shoving my notebooks into the drawers. Carefully keeping my reading books nicely placed on the desk.

Taking my laptop out and finally putting on some music to then be called by Wooyoung.

"What is it Woo?" I laughed as I put some of my clothes on hangers and put them in the closet.

"Are you set up yet?"

"No. Not yet. I'm almost done though."

Grabbing a cushion out from my boxes and unfolding it to put on the windowsill. Adding some pillows to it as well. A blanket and my favorite plush.


"Yu Yu and Jongie want to explore the campus."

I was confused. "Did you guys not see during our fourth orientation and fourth year at this school?"

"We may have been going to this school for three years but that doesn't mean we know where everything is."

I turned towards my laptop and stared at Wooyoung on the screen. He just nervously smiled.

"We want to uncover the mysteries of this school before we graduate. Like finding out where those two teachers are having a affair at on campus!" I rolled my eyes. "So you going to come or not?"

"Yeah. I'll go. Just let me finish this up. I'm almost done."

"Ok. We meet in the lobby! Bye, wifey!"

"Bye, weirdo." I ended the call. Turning my music back on. Hearing the front door open but ignoring it to finish my room.

Setting up my bed. Putting up my LED lights. Going around my room. Getting on the table to finish it up. Going to get off when I finished. Tripping over my books and falling on the floor.

I whined. The sound of footsteps came over, my door flew open.

"Are you ok?!" I nodded. This voice sounds familiar...

"Yeah, I'm fine."

Getting a hold of my desk and getting up. My hand was grabbed and I was helped up. "Thank you."

"You should really be careful..."

I turned around. My eyes widened.

No. Hell no. Fuck no. This really can't be happening. I quickly took my hand back.


"Park." I glared at him.

He scoffed. He looked me up and down. "You should have hit your head when you fell."

I punched him in the stomach. He held his stomach as he coughed.

"There. That's for the time you slapped me in ninth grade."

"You're a bitch you know that. Can't believe you're still hung up on something that happened two to three years ago."

"And bitches get things done, now get the fuck out. Why are you even here?!" I shoved him out of my room.

"Because this is my dorm." He slapped my hand away. "Oh fuck. You can't be serious? I'm sharing a dorm with you?!" He groaned. "I just can't get away from you! Unbelievable."

"Get away from me? ME?! I can't get away from you! The asshole that tried to ruin my life since fucken elementary school." I shoved him.

"Ruin your life?! You're the one who ruined mine. Always trying to one-up me! Always thinking you're better than everyone else!"

"Me? Thinks? It's not thinking if I really do things better. Why else would I have top scores in all exams? Huh, second place?!"

"We have the exact same fucken scores and you know it. I know you used your little whore voodoo to get first."

"Im not a whore!" I poked him in the chest. "I would never sleep with some random person. I would never use my body as a way of bribery! And I would NEVER sell my body in any fucken way!"

He rolled his eyes. He put his finger under my chocker and yanked me close. "Of course you don't know how to take a joke. You never have." He walked away from me. "This is why people don't like you. You take stuff up the ass."

I pulled him back. "You're the one who always hoes around. Sleeping with everyone!"

"I haven't slept with anyone!"

I scoffed. "Oh please. As if. I've seen the way you talk with people. Guys and girls. Always flirting with them. Always teasing them."

"Why the fuck do you care what I do with other people?!"

"Because it's fucken disgusting to see people doing inappropriate stuff in a public area."

"I didn't do shit with anyone."

I rolled my eyes. "It's whatever because I'm better than you, Park Seonghwa. I'm going to be at the top again and you aren't even going to come close to me." I pulled him down by his collar. "Do whatever you need to do to try to get close. You will never be better than me. I'll always show you up."

"Oh really?" He grabbed my chocker again. Bringing us even closer. "I'm warning you Kang. Stay out of my way. I'm sick and tired of you always thinking you're at the top."

"Because I am. You may have beaten me a couple of times but overall I'm better than you."

He shoved me away. I fell back onto the couch.

"There it is again. That annoying ego of yours." I tried to sit up but he pinned me down onto the couch. "It's so upsetting seeing such a pretty face get ruined by a shitty attitude like yours."

I laughed. "Same goes for you! You may be fucken hot but that doesn't mean anything when your personality is fucken shit. You make being a horny guy your whole personality!"

We just stared at each other.

He then smirked. "It's so fun pissing you off." He got closer to me, I could practically feel his lips on my own. "I should really do it more often."

"I'm against murder but I'll make an exception just for you. Aren't you honored?" I glared.

"Oh, Kang Yeosangie is trying to be intimidating now? With your cute little face, you aren't scaring anyone."

"Remember Seongie, you don't scare me. Your threats have never worked before and they aren't going to start working now. So get your bitch ass off of me."

He chuckled before he got off of me. "Remember we are living in the same dorm for a year. You better watch yourself because you basically have nowhere to run."

"I already told you. I'm not scared of you."

He scoffed before he went into his room. Closing the door.

Getting up and going to mine. I wasn't in the mood to go with my friends anymore. Texting them that I didn't feel good. Happy they didn't try to push me.

I grabbed my plush and just hugged it as I sat on my bed.

I'm so done with life. Why? Why out of everyone did it have to be him? I hate him. I despise him. He has ruined my life.

Always competing with me.

I will show him how much of a damn loser he is.

Better- SeongSangNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ