Chapter 6 - Accidentally

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Danielle's POV

It's been one week since Haerin has been here, and everything has happened at the same time. She's always been arrogant and we've fought over who gets to answer questions first, with me usually coming out on top. We're also academic rivals in a way, but we still hold on to our hatred for each other.

We continue to taunt each other constantly and in every situation, and I can't seem to break this toxic back-and-forth dynamic that we've fallen into.

One week may seem like a short amount of time, but for me, it's too long to be continuing this endless cycle of taunting and competition. I'm determined to excel in everything and come out on top against Haerin, no matter what it takes.

"Dani, could you go first? I need to find my phone. I think Minji hid it, she's such a troublemaker," Hanni groaned, her eyes flickering with annoyance as she searched for her phone inside her backpack.

"That's cruel. How about we search for it together?" I suggested, eyeing Hanni and tilting my head slightly, eager to help in any way I could.

"It's fine, you can go first. Let's meet in our locker room," Hanni muttered as we walked together before separating and making our way to separate locations for the task at hand.

"Okay, don't be late before P.E. class starts," I reminded her, already feeling a sense of urgency in my mind to get this done before class begins.

In the blink of an eye, I arrived at the changing room and was about to go to my locker when I came to an abrupt stop upon seeing Haerin standing there in only her sports bra before putting on her P.E. shirt.

I froze in this position for a moment before recovering and continuing towards my locker with determination in my eyes.

As I saw Haerin's toned body with a set of defined abs, I couldn't help but stare in awe at the sight before me.

She caught me in my admiration, however, and turned to face me, a cold look etched on her face as she asked, "What the hell are you looking at?"

I couldn't even form a response, my mouth hanging open in surprise as I saw her continue to put on her P.E. shirt.

I stuttered, "I-I wasn't looking at you," then, out of annoyance, I stomped my feet and walked over to my locker before muttering, "Our lockers aren't even far."

Turning my head back one last time before focusing on opening my locker, I glared in her direction and closed it without any further acknowledgement of her presence.

As I took a quick peek behind me, I couldn't help but fixate on Haerin's figure as she stood with her back pressed against her locker, crossing her arms over her chest in a defensive stance as she stared at me with a neutral expression on her face.

"What the hell are you waiting for?!" I bellowed in frustration, my temper rising as I tried to open my locker with a bit more force than normal.

"You've been staring at my body, let's be fair. I get to do the same thing to you," Haerin replied with a smug smirk as she looked me up and down, causing me to feel threatened and defensive.

I spoke up, my voice almost a hiss as I said, "That's not going to happen, it was only an accidental glance. Can you give me some privacy?" I muttered before turning my back to her again, eager to forget this entire encounter and get on with the day.

Haerin chuckled and taunted me, "Oh, please, it's not like anything's gonna happen while we're in here. We'll be fine, don't you worry," a smirk crossing her lips before I interrupted her with my own retort, "Jerk- Don't tease me anymore!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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