Chapter 2 - First Day or Worst Day

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Haerin's POV

After my argument with my dad yesterday, I finally accepted everything, even though I didn't want to. Today was the day I went to the new school, and it felt weird.

I didn't know how to converse with others, and I realized that making friends wasn't as important as focusing on my studies. I needed to put my energy into my education, and the rest would naturally fall into place.

Today's been one of the worst mornings I've had in recent memory. Not the most worst, but certainly one of them. My personal driver took me to school, and I had no idea which school it was.

As we drove, I saw the huge sign on the front of the building, and read "Seoul International School."

My driver stopped the car in front of the school's gate and said, "We're here, Haerin. Take care of yourself and have a great time." Despite his middle-aged appearance, he was a kind man who always cared for my needs.

"Thank you for bringing me here, Mr. Shin. Have a great time as well." I said as I stepped out of the car and made my way towards the gate.

As I walked into the building, the stares from the other students were undeniable. It was clear that they were all whispering to each other about me, and their eyes seemed to follow me wherever I went. Despite their attention being somewhat distracting, I managed to keep walking and simply ignored the whispers and continued on my way without fear or hesitation.

I heard a few of the students mutter amongst themselves as I walked into the building. One of them shot me a sideways glance before whispering to her friends, "Oh my god look at her."

Another one of them, her voice laced with apparent amazement and asked, "Gosh..who is she?" The curiosity in her voice was clear, but I couldn't help but feel self-conscious as I wondered what exactly it was that they were so amazed by.

After making it inside the hallway, I looked around, trying to figure out where to go next. As I continued to walk, I realized that other students were staring at me. I sighed.

While I scanned my surroundings, I was suddenly knocked to the floor by another student. She let out an annoyed grunt and snapped at me, "Ouch! What are you doing! walking into me like that!? Don't walk around without watching where you're going, you idiot!"

Her words took me by surprise, and I barely had time to process what had just happened before she had already stormed off, leaving me feeling infuriated and confused.

I didn't understand why she had gotten so upset or why she had blamed me for the incident. It seemed like she was taking her anger out on me for no obvious reason. Her actions ended up resulting in both of us falling to the floor.

As I looked back at her with a cold glance, I couldn't help but let my frustration get the better of me.

"What's your problem?" I grunted, my voice low but still filled with anger. "You're the one who bumped into me." I said, my voice remaining calm but with an unmistakable hint of irritation. "You're the one who made us fall to the ground."

The student who bumped into me looked back at me with her doe-like eyes, and I could see a hint of anger lingering behind them. Her features were distinctively foreign, with long eyelashes and a half-Korean appearance that was hard to miss.

The beauty of her face was only skin-deep, and her anger toward me made it clear that she was not the kind person I had initially thought her to be.

I found myself drawn to her beauty for a moment, admiring her pretty face, before her sudden shout brought me back to reality.

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