CH 17

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With all the Bad Batch members successfully out of the prison, they remain baffled about the absence of any attempts to force them back into their cells. Hunter takes charge, recognizing the urgency of the situation. He suggests getting Tech to a computer to locate their belongings and Kit's cell, from which they can formulate a plan.

However, Tech voices his concerns about their current predicament. "This is not very convenient since we are going to be naked," he points out, acknowledging the vulnerability of their situation.

Crosshair interjects with a wry comment, "For us being commandos, our current wardrobe, this is taking it to the next level."

Hunter agrees, recognizing the urgency of their situation. "We need to hurry up before they trigger the trap," he asserts, emphasizing the need for swift action to reclaim their gear and rescue Kit. Determined, the team walks out and finds a computer two rows down.

Tech swiftly works through the firewalls and accesses the mainframe. "Our stuff is on the other side of this ship, and Kit is three blocks down in cell number 9," he reports after a few quick movements, his fingers flying over the keyboard.

With the vital information obtained, Tech swiftly shuts down the computer. The four members of the Bad Batch waste no time and rush towards cell number 9, still not encountering anyone along the way. Tech swiftly opens the cell door.

Once opened, they are greeted with a harrowing sight: Kit, bloodied and beaten, lies within the cell. Wrecker rushes in to pick her up, only to find that she is a hologram. Laughter fills the room as the disgruntled voice rings through the cell.

"Ah, a trip through memory lane. That little video is the latest tech we picked up. It's classified, found on a planet we raided," the voice explains, its tone dripping with malice.

Wrecker's voice booms with urgency, "Where is Kit?"

"She is there. Well, that was her past self. We found her stranded on a planet, nearly beaten to death, with lightsaber burns all over her," the voice continues, its words chilling.

"You honestly think it would be easy to escape the fifth-largest pirate gang?" the voice taunts, its disdain palpable in the air.

The Bad Batch members exchange uneasy glances, their resolve tested by the cruel revelation. Despite the setback, the team moves to the next computer. "Tech, can you open up all the cells?" Hunter asks.

Tech works on it, his fingers flying over the keyboard. "Yes, but it will open every single door in this building," he warns.

Hunter surveys the area, then nods decisively. "Do it."

As the command is executed, a blaring sound fills the air, and all the doors on the ship swing open. The four members rush to each cell, only to find them all empty. "She's not here," Crosshair grunts in frustration.

The disgruntled voice echoes throughout the ship, taunting them, "Oooo, you opened all the doors, now I can't close them. Well, that will make going to the bathroom more awkward."

"Yes, she's not in those cells; she's with me, along with all your possessions. Which, by the way, are very swanky," the voice adds, its tone dripping with mockery and malice.

The Bad Batch members exchange grim looks, tension thick in the air as they process the grim reality before them. "Tech, you said our stuff is on the other side of the base?" Hunter asks, his tone grave.

Tech sighs heavily. "Affirmative."

"Great, we're going commando, commando. This can't get worse," Crosshair mutters, putting his toothpick in his mouth with a resigned air.

Tech raises a finger, about to interject, but Wrecker swiftly grabs it and starts to lowering Techs hand, shaking his head adamantly. "No," he asserts.

The Batchers make their way through the corridors, moving with stealth and precision. They surprise a few pirates along the way, swiftly ambushing them to retrieve their weapons and a few other essential items.

With each encounter, the Bad Batch members display their combat prowess and tactical skills, swiftly overpowering their adversaries.

The Batchers make it to a big open area, their senses alert to any potential threats. Suddenly, slow clapping echoes through the space, drawing their attention.

"Congratulations, you made it for the big show, it too...k," the person begins, but stops abruptly, noticing something off about the Batchers' appearance.

"Wait a minute, what are you four wearing? Did you strip my men of their clothes and try to fit into them?" The person's voice is filled with incredulity, and laughter rings out for a long while, echoing through the vast space.

As the Batchers exchange glances, the absurdity of their attire becomes apparent. Hunter, the most normal-looking among them, wears his pants with a semblance of normalcy, though they appear ill-fitted. Tech's pants, though worn, seem to be capri pants and compressed on his frame, while Crosshair struggles with his pants, unable to button them properly. His shirt rides up to his belly button, adding to the comical scene. Wrecker's appearance is the most exaggerated, with ripped shorts barely clinging to his waist and a shirt that barely covers his chest, making him appear utterly ridiculous.

Tech points to the doors "through that door should be where Kit and our stuff are at"

Once the laughter died down, the overhead voice boomed in again, "Well, it looks like I lost the bet. Kit, have fun with the boys." In a flash, a picture was taken.

A new voice came over the commons. The team was trying to get the doors to open. "Send me a copy of that picture of the boys. I want to hang it in the successful mission wall of fame."

Hunter's voice rang out in question, "Kit, is that you?"

"Yes, it's me, Hunter. Oh, and Tech, you can't get that door open. Red made sure of that," Kit's voice echoed over the commons in the building.

The realization dawns upon the Batchers, and a sense of relief washes over them as they hear Kit's voice.

Tech's gaze sharpens as he processes the revelation. "You're not a prisoner like us, are you?" he questions, his tone tinged with suspicion.

The voice responds with a smug tone, "Tech, ever so bright. No, I am not a prisoner. I helped build this pirate gang to what it is now with my loot and intel from my missions."

The gravity of the situation settles upon the Batchers as they realize they are facing one of the architects of the pirate gang's power and influence. Despite the danger, they brace themselves for what comes next.

"Now it's time to answer my question," the voice continues, its tone firm. "What is your mission given to you by Obi-Wan?"

The air grows tense as the Batchers weigh their options, recognizing the weight of their response. However, instead of answering, they remain silent, focusing their efforts on trying to force the doors open. Wrecker, in particular, is seen ramming the door with any objects he can find in the room.

"You're not going to tell me, are you?" Kit's voice rings out sadly. "Well, that's fine. I have all the information from Tech's data pad."

A hologram begins to play over the commons.

Cat with nine lives- bad batch X OCWhere stories live. Discover now