Love beyond Words

941 14 14

"Bloom, you're acting weird lately." *Dyso says with full intention*

"No I'm not! I'm perfectly fine." *Bloom says defensively*

*Dyso glances weird looks at Bloom.*

"Stop that! it's annoying!" *Bloom complains*

"Okay, okay!" *Dyso backs up himself.*

**They heard the monster come, and then it just went past Bloom, devouring Dyso**

"A-" *Bloom was so astonished that he didn't know what to say.*

*Divided comes over*

"Hey, what happened-" *Divided asks before pausing*

"Oh. He died?" *Divided quickly says as he saw the blood trail on the floor.*

*Bloom turns to him, still shocked*

"Yeah..." *Bloom muttered out.*

*They could hear the monster's creaking noise*

"I don't wanna play this game anymore-" *Bloom whined like a baby*

*Bloom went to Divided and cuddled into him, clearly hating the game at this point.*

"Okay, okay. We'll leave the game, I'll tell Dyso now." *Divided reassured Bloom, holding him protectively.*

*Bloom's little cat ears flattened down as his tail quivered around.*

"Aww-" *Divided tries to say, but Bloom was not going to start.*

"Sh-shut up!!!!" *Bloom immediately snaps*

"You're gonna bring the monster here-" *Divided says*

"I don't care!!" *Bloom complained*

"I thought you said you hated this game?" *Divided quickly said.*

"That's not the point!" *Bloom yapped*

"It kinda is." *Divided said, unamused*

"Whatever." *Bloom responded*

*The monster starts coming, and Divided doesn't waste a second. He grabs Bloom and drags him into a locker, putting himself inside as well.*

"What are you-" *Bloom gets cut off.*

"Shhh..." *Divided shushes Bloom*

*The monster comes by*

*Bloom kept moving around and couldn't stay still.*

"Stop moving around so much, be quiet." *Divided says, annoyed*

"We have like no space!!" *Bloom shouts in a whisper*

*The monster comes by again*

*Divided puts himself basically on Bloom, pressuring him to keep still.*

"Mgh-" *Bloom quickly makes a sound due to the impact*

*They were very close to each other, only about two centimetres away.*

*Bloom could feel Divided's hot breath. He flustered up.*

*Divided had took a glance at Bloom, seeing him softly blushing. He smirked in his head*

*Divided's pov:*

Aww.. how cute. He's blushing.. We're so close, I could just-

*No one's pov:*

*Divided looked at Bloom with his seductive purple, glimmering eyes.*

*Then at his lips.*

*Bloom only looked back with his glowing, ocean blue eyes. So innocent.*

*Divided says "Fuck it.." in his head, and leans in to kiss him.*

*They kiss, and Divided couldn't get enough of Bloom, or what it seemed.*

"Mgh~" *Bloom made a soft moan due to Divided not controlling himself.*

*Divided easily slipped his tongue in, turning it into a French kiss.*

*Blooms pov:*

Fuck.. This man can't get ahold of himself...!?

Oh, but this man.. 

I fucking love this man...

*No one's pov:*

"Mhh~" *Bloom moaned again*

*Divided had his hands on Bloom's waist and thigh, softly caressing.*

*Divided broke the kiss and started kissing on Bloom's neck, which turned into bites*

"A-ah~.. D-divided.." *Bloom muttered out at Divided's bites.*

*The monster would probably find them, but Divided didn't care anymore. He was with Bloom, and he wasn't wasting any time with him.*

"Mnghh~.. Ah~" *Bloom couldn't stop moaning*

*But Divided loved it, Bloom's moans only making him feel more dominant and turned him on.*

*Bloom's ears had been far from down, as they were droopy and his tail was softly wagging.*

*Divided had left 3 hickeys on Bloom, feeling proud of himself as he stopped.*

*Bloom looked away out of embarrassment, and mumbled out*

"Fuck you.." 

*Divided had a small chuckle*


*Divided put his hand on Bloom's back, then pulling him closer.*

*Bloom snuggled into his chest, as he made soft purrs*

*Divided used his other hand to call Dyso.*

*On the call*

"Hey Dyso, where you at?" *Divided asked him over call*

"I'm already at home." *Dyso responded*

"Oh, already? damn, okay, we'll be there soon." *Divided said, a bit amused*

"Aight. What took you so long though, were you making out with Bloom or something?"

"Shut up, Dyso. But no, I was trying to find him, after he told me the Monster ate you. Bro, he ran like so far-" 

*Divided quickly backed up his story for no suspicion, but gives Bloom a seductive look, proud of his work on him.*

"Alright. See you soon." *Dyso said, now having no suspicion on them.*

*They arrived back home*

"Hey." *Divided said to Dyso*

"Wassup." *He replied*

*Bloom was already making dinner.*

"Whatchu making?" *Dyso asks*

"Yes." *Bloom replied with*

"Really." *Dyso said, unamused at his dumb reply.*

"No." *Bloom said*

*Divided's eyes were just on Bloom, looking him up and down, thinking about the locker 'situation'*

*Divided looked away to not cause any suspicion.*

Love is hard like Maths. (Divided x Bloom)Where stories live. Discover now