Dig Those Diglett!

Start from the beginning

"Because I know you well enough to know that you don't like helping mom out in the garden when she asks you to." Hayley said, crossing her arms as Ash groans.

"Sisters....can't live with them, sure can try to live without them." grumbled Ash, before turning back to the man. "Giva Dam?"

"Over there." said the man, pointing to where his workers are.

"All right! Let her rip!" said one of the workers as they were bringing up one of the pipes. Just then, a boulder was loosened from the side of a nearby cliff and heads towards the construction site.

"That blasting is part of building a dam?" Brock asked the man.

"Yes, the blasting is part of building a dam." snapped the man. "But we can't get supplies through because of the Diglett!"

"Hmm. That is a problem." said Brock.

"We even created a special division for developing strategies to fight off the Diglett." said the man, before looking over his shoulder. "We're calling for any able Pokémon trainer who's traveling through the area, somebody with real Pokémon know-how who can help us get rid of these Diglett. The reward's a six-night, seven-day stay at the famous Giva Hot Springs Resort. If you know any Pok...."

"We're four Pokémon trainers at your service." said Ash.

"What the...." said Hayley.

"Oh, so you're the first squad of trainers we called in!" said the man in delight.

"Uh, well, we weren't exactly called in." Ash tells the man when a car pulls up.

"Oh great..." said Hayley, seeing a familiar face. "He's here."

"The first Pokémon trainers have arrived." said Gary, standing in his seat with a foot on the car door. "The rest are in these buses."

"It's Gary." said Ash.

"Huh? Who are...." said Gary then recognizes the brother and sister. "Well, if it isn't little Ash and cutie pie Hayley from Pallet. What are you doing here?"

"What do you think, Gary?" asked Hayley, sarcastically.

"It must be an unlucky coincidence." said Gary as he stood on the car dashboard. "Only the best were invited, like me, Gary from the town of Pallet, the number one trainer. Ash is fourth."

"I'm fourth?" asked Ash. "I'm better than that."

"You're the fourth to leave home, but as a trainer, you're dead last." said Gary.

"Aw!" said Ash.

"Now watch as I step up to the plate and hit a Pokémon grand slam!" said Gary who was now wearing a baseball uniform.

"Hooray, hooray!" said Gary's cheerleaders as they threw confetti.

"He's very...." said Misty.

"Detestable." said Brock.

"Now I wish that my sisters were more like Hayley." Misty said as Ash had fallen to his knees while Hayley pats him on his back.

"So, Ash, have you and Hayley picked up any good Pokémon?" asked Gary, once he recovered and wiped the tears from his face.

"Of course we have. Do you want to see?" Ash asked, holding up one of his Pokéballs.

"No, thanks, Ash. Only amateurs show off their Pokémon." said Gary, then turns to see Hayley picking up Meeko. "I see that you got a Pokémon from a different region, Hayley."

"Thanks, Gary. Her name is Meeko and she's a Riolu." Hayley tells him, causing Gary to smile.

"If I were to going to show something off, it'd be my personal fan club." Gary said to Ash, revealing the girls from the car.

Pokemon: A Ketchum Journey. Vol 1Where stories live. Discover now