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Noah James Swan. Younger identical twin to Isabella Swan. Though they may look exactly the same, they couldn't be more different. Isabella was a total mama's girl. She spent the most time with her mother, rarely wanting to be with her father. Noah, however, spent every moment she could with her father. From always jumping at the chance to go fishing or hunting with him, to begging him to take her to work with him, she was always wanting to be with her father.

Despite the two being twins, Isabella and Noah were never close. Not because neither tried to form a relationship, Noah always tried to spend time with her sister, but because Isabella didn't like her sister, and neither did their mother.

Renee hated Forks, Washington, she hated her marriage, and she hated how close her youngest daughter was with her husband. The mother craved to have a life anywhere but the small town that she considered herself stuck in, and when the girls were four, she had finally had enough. She packed herself and her daughter a bag during the day while her husband was at work and carried on with the day like normal. When evening came, Charlie called, stating that he wouldn't be home until morning. Jumping at the chance to leave early, she grabbed the bags, her daughter, and the keys to her car and left the small town of Forks behind.

She also left Noah. Outside. The entire night. In December.

Charlie arrived at the house the next morning, only to be greeted with Renee's car gone from the driveway, and a sobbing Noah on the porch. The man got out of the cruiser and ran up to his daughter, and quickly noticed the paleness of her skin and the blue color that tinted her lips.

He also noticed how freezing she was when he picked her up.

Charlie knew what was happening. He knew from the moment he saw his little girl sitting on the porch alone. Yet he couldn't bring himself to be upset about it. He didn't like the way his now ex wife treated their youngest daughter. She always seemed to forget that they had more than one child, always calling Noah, Isabella, despite one being a brunette and the other a blonde. The woman also only bought Isabella new things, giving Noah her old clothes. Noah never batted an eye, always thinking that it was so cool that she got to wear her older sister's old clothes, but it pissed off Charlie to no end.

So no, Charlie wasn't necessarily upset that his wife left him. He was slightly upset that she took Isabella with her, but he knew that Isabella hated him, Forks, and her sister. She would have been so unhappy here, and that is what made Charlie okay with Renee's decision to take the oldest twin.

Charlie took Noah straight to Sue Clearwater in La Push knowing that his daughter hated hospitals. When he arrived at their place he grabbed his daughter, who was still in hysterics, and headed to the door of the house. Sue had the door opened before he could even raise his hand to knock, having seen them from the window and quickly noticed how pale the young girl was, as well as the panicked look on Charlie's face. She grabbed Noah from Charlie's arms and placed her on the couch, wrapping her in several blankets and then rushing to fix her some hot chocolate and some warm food in the kitchen. While she was doing that, Charlie sat on the couch next to his daughter and just stared at her.

He felt awful, but only because Noah lost her mother, and her sister, in less than twenty four hours. Charlie knew that the next few months, hell maybe even years, were going to be hard on himself and his daughter. He was going to have to figure out where she would go when he had work on the weekends, after school during the week, on days she had off from school. Not to mention what he was going to do when summer break rolled around. He was brought out of his thoughts when Noah crawled onto his lap, a blanket still wrapped tightly around her. She didn't say anything, she simply cuddled into her father's chest and drank the hot chocolate that her Auntie Sue had given her moments before.

It was only a few minutes later when Leah and Harry Clearwater walked into the house, and the former instantly noticed the girl, who was like her little sister, and her Uncle Charlie crying on the couch. Leah ran toward the two and wrapped her arms around them, wanting to provide some comfort.

Harry walked into the kitchen to ask his wife what happened, only for her to shake her head, saying that she didn't know. Both of them glanced back at the living room, only to notice Charlie making his way toward them. Before he could begin speaking, a cry sounded through the house signaling that the youngest Clearwater had woken up from his nap.

Charlie stopped Sue before she could begin walking to Seth's room. "I'll get him Sue. I haven't seen my godson in a while."

Charlie made his way back to the kitchen, little Seth in his arms, and sat down at the kitchen table. He simply stared at the young boy in his arms and began speaking without looking up. He explained every detail of what he knew. Including his ex wife leaving their youngest outside overnight in the cold. Sue was not happy when she found out that piece of information.

"Charlie, I can't imagine how difficult this must be for you, and for my darling little Alex, but Harry and I are going to do everything we can to help you get through this. You're family." Sue's eyes held nothing but sincerity as she spoke to Charlie.

Tears welled in Charlie's eyes as Sue spoke, all the emotions that he had been bottling up coming out as reality finally set in that he was now a single parent. He didn't have any idea how he was going to raise his girl on his own, but all doubt about being a bad parent went out the window as he felt little arms wrap around his.

Looking down to his left, he saw Noah with her arms wrapped around his own. From that moment on, he knew that they were both going to be okay.

Six months later...

"Noah! If you don't hurry up we're going to be late!" Charlie's voice reached Noah's ears and she quickly finished putting the final touches on her drawing that she was making for her new brother. Embry Call was going to be her brother, and Noah couldn't have been more excited.

Embry's mother had unfortunately passed away from stage 4 breast cancer three months after Noah's mother left her and Charlie. Charlie was very close with River, Embry's mother, having helped her out when she became pregnant with Embry, stepping in and being a father figure for the young boy after he was born. This led to Noah and Embry being very close as they grew up.

After her death, it was found out that Charlie was named Embry's sole guardian, and today was the day that Embry would officially bear the Swan name and become Charlie's son and Noah's brother.

It was a day that would alter the futures of all three of them, none of them knowing what the consequences would be.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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