Chapter 2: War in Peace

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Chapter 2

3rd person:

The azure streaks of hyperspace illuminated the stern face of Human Jedi Knight Torrin Kubanne as he gazed out the Republic cruiser's viewport. He tugged at the fresh formal robes and armor ceremoniously bestowed upon his recent promotion. It still didn't seem real that the Council chose him, a young Jedi not even 25 standard years old, to spearhead negotiations on the Outer Rim world of Dantooine.

With mounting corporate interests in the planet's untapped resources, the native Dantari tribes' escalating sabotage threatened production. Torrin's mandate was to oversee treaty talks while providing security, given his Master's veteran leadership experience from border skirmishes in the Mid Rim. He now stood a full-fledged member of the order, not even a fleck of doubt about his status flickered in his inferno-like heart.

As the mottled tunnels of hyperspace faded into star-speckled black, an emerald planet loomed ahead – Dantooine. The young Jedi's breath caught as he descended into the atmosphere. Endless grassy plains and seas of wind-blown grain stretched to the horizon below. Primitive farmer settlements dotted the landscape, acres of lush farmland surrounding them.

The Republic cruiser sliced through textured clouds before hovering over a sprawling corporate agroecology campus fused with a mining center – all sterile white halls and machinery. The thrum of its reactors rumbled up from the surface as they prepared to land.

Torrin sensed a fellow Jedi emerging from below decks yet made no effort until now to make his way to the lower tiers to meet his fellow knight. – a Tholothian woman stood facing him from the sleek but cramped elevator, face marked by delicate vestigial purple tendrils. She wore simple earth-toned robes with a pearl necklace given to her by her deceased mother.

A thin lightsaber was openly displayed on a silver belt girding her waist. "Hello! I am Sansa Jubarri, " She gave a short bow. "I have been assigned as cultural attaché from the archives on Coruscant to support treaty negotiations." Her empathetic voice reminded Torrin of the babbling brooks on Naboo from his childhood before he was taken. Torrin stepped into the elevator silently, pushing short dreadlocks from his face.

He studied her chestnut complexion for a moment before replying. "A joy, Sansa. Your expertise on Dantooine customs will prove priceless I'm sure." She regarded the man's scarred dark brown skin, already discerning his aristocratic aura through the force.

Their conversation halted as the cruiser docked with a hiss of depressurization serendipitously to the arrival of their descendant elevator ride. Marching boots approached as the large bay entrance slid open to reveal a uniformed Trandoshan trailed by two squadrons of armed Republic soldiers bustling to get off-world. The cruisers' crew began to noisily haul goods and supplies ignoring the two Jedi.

"Commander De'busk I presume?" Torrin kept his tone neutral, addressing the Trandoshan who was making his way into the cruiser. Behind faceted eyes, De'busk glared down at the Jedi, flicking a forked tongue. His sail-like facial fins bristled as he nodded standing a head taller than Torrin.

His light green scales seemed to pull back at their presence. "Yesss, Jedi. I will be overssseeing all Republic planetary functionsss. Hurry, we have much to...confer." De'busk turned sharply on his black-booted heel, not waiting for a response. His two personal elite Wookie guards trained large blaster rifles on Sansa and Torrin as the tense duo exited the ship in front of them.

Sansa watched carefully as the blaster muzzles tracked them from her peripheral. She reached out with the Force, sensing the guards' anxiety and mistrust emanating like thermal grenades. What had brought such hostility toward Jedi here on Dantooine? She asked herself, along with how these Wookie's and Trandoshan had seemingly squashed a century-long species feud.

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