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"You are finally here..."

She whispered to him. Lucifer now had her in his arms and her sudden whisper caught him off guard for a moment. He had been so furious and focused on getting to her and now he only just realized how weak she was as he felt her in his arms. Although he was relieved and overjoyed to finally have her in his hands, he was also filled with rage at Adam for the way he had been talking to her and how he had treated her.

"Yes, I am here now."

Lucifer would suddenly feel his rage and anxiety get replaced once again by his fear and worry as he saw how weak she was in his arms. He had not noticed this before but now that she was in his arms, he could sense how little energy she has left. He suddenly began to doubt his ability to keep her save and he felt himself losing his strength and starting to crack. His grip on her tightened as he spoke to her.


Y/n's eyes slowly started to close she was so tired. Lucifer's eyes would widen as he saw that Y/n's eyes were starting to close. He continued to speak to her as he tried to convince her to stay awake.

"No no no. Do not fall asleep now dear. I cannot have you falling asleep now. Tell me do you think that you can keep your eyes open for a little longer?"

"I can't promise to you..."

"Please.... You must promise me and you must keep your eyes open for me. I need you to."

"I can only try my Angel..."

Lucifer would hold her a little tighter as he saw her trying her best to keep her eyes open. He would then speak to her once again and he would speak to her as if she were in a dream state.

"That is all that I ask of you dear. All I want is for you to try and keep your eyes open. For me."


Lucifer would smile as he saw his encouragement working. She was trying her best to keep her eyes open for him and she was willing to even try. He could hear her voice that was getting weaker, and he could see her eyes starting to fall slightly closed. However he was not going to give up on her just yet. He would then whisper to her.

"I know you can do it dear. Just a few seconds more."

He put her down so he can finally fight Adam. Lucifer would place her down carefully and would try to hold her steady as she continued to keep her eyes open for him. He would not take his eyes off of Adam now even though the fear and anger that he felt was still growing. The desire to attack Adam was building up in him but he knew that he could not leave Y/n on her own. He would instead hold her hands and would whisper to her once again.

"Can you keep your eyes open for me just until I finish dealing with Adam?"

"Yes... Now kick his ass for me..."

She whispered and smiled to him. Lucifer would smile at her as he was now filled with a new sense of determination. It was the first time someone was actually encouraging him, and he suddenly felt a renewed energy as he began to fly towards Adam. He still kept looking back at Y/n and he could see the way she had to work so hard just to keep her eyes open for him. It filled him with immense sadness and joy at the same time. It was this mixture of feelings that motivated him to keep going and to end this battle with Adam as quick as possible.


Lucifer would not bother with replying to Adam because anything he would have said would have been a waste of breath. He was now filled with so much rage that it was overflowing from his entire being. He would fly at Adam as quickly as he could and as he approached him, he would fly towards Adam with every single ounce of hate and anger that he had bottled up inside of him. Instead of trying to communicate with him he would let his actions speak for themselves. It was a message that was clear and that he intended on Adam receiving very clearly. Y/n watched the two men fight her eyes was slowly giving up on her. Then she finally falls asleep. Lucifer would not notice the way that Y/n's eyes had fallen shut on her as he was now completely focused on his fight with Adam. He did not hear her speak or see the way that she had fallen asleep. He had only one thing on his mind and that was to end this fight as quickly as possible. He did not have the time to worry about her right now. He would have to worry about Y/n later. For now, all he could do was to focus all of his rage and hatred on Adam.


He said as he punched Lucifer. That punch was sone how harder than the other ones that Lucifer got. Lucifer was struck by the powerful punch, and he stumbled back a bit, but he would not take a step back. He had felt the power behind that strike, and he was now filled with both anger and fear. He needed to end this fight quickly. There were no rules anymore. He would then fly back towards Adam, and he would fly straight towards him with his fist cocked back and he was prepared to hit with the amount of power he wished to. He wanted to let loose, and he did not want to give Adam another chance to strike him like that again.

"You know I've been waiting for this moment."

He said smirking as his hits was much stronger. Lucifer would not reply to him instead he would let his rage get the better of him as he flew towards Adam with all of his strength and instead of striking him with a regular punch he would instead strike him with a head on blow using his forehead. This would not only allow him to use his maximum strength, but it would also allow him to keep his body at a distance in case Adam would try to grab him. It was a risky move, but he felt that he had to do it and he did not have the time to try and think of an alternative option.

"You know that's why I raped her. God made me and her to have a special connection. If she is asleep, I get so much more power. That's why I did it, so she get week for this day, and I get strong."

He said with a big smile on his face. Lucifer would begin to boil with anger as he realized just what Adam had done to Y/n as he had her under his control. It was obvious that Adam had been intentionally keeping her asleep for this entire night and that he had been using her to further his own agenda. This realization had turned his anger into a pure white-hot rage as he now had a new reason to hate and to despise Adam. He would not keep silent this time and he would reply to Adam's accusation.

"I will rip you apart for what you have done to her."

Lucifer would now unleash a barrage of strikes upon Adam. He would continue to use his head as a weapon, and he would slam it straight into the face of Adam whenever the opportunity arose. He held no other goal in mind other than to cause as much damage to Adam as physically possible. His rage was all consuming and he was no longer concerned with how he attacked Adam. He just wanted to make it clear to Adam that you just do not hurt the one that he cares about. Lucifer's barrage of strikes would suddenly be interrupted as Adam would grab him by his chest and he would lift him up off of the ground. This sudden action surprised Lucifer who up until this point had been in the midst of his rage and he was not prepared for another strike. He was held in a position where he was vulnerable, and he could not strike Adam. Adam would then speak to him as he held him in the air.

"This was fun, but my Eve is waiting for me."

My Angel (Lucifer x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now