The second Adam

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"What about if I stay here? Permanently."

"Permanently, huh?"

He looks at her a bit puzzled.

"But why would you want to stay here permanently when there is so much for you to explore outside of these walls?"

"Or at least for a little time. I really like this place and I think the garden also likes me."

"It does seem to like you quite a bit. But I am not quite sure about the idea of you staying here permanently. You are still very young, and I feel as if you have so much to see and experience in this world. It would be a shame if you were to throw it all away and restrict yourself to only this garden."

"Then just a few weeks. I want to enjoy this place."

"A few weeks is perhaps a more reasonable request. I do not see a big issue with that. You can stay here for a few weeks and enjoy the garden and its beauty."

"Thank you"

She kissed him.

Lucifer was surprised and taken aback by her kiss but after a moment he kissed her back and held her in his arms.

"So, then I'm staying her while you go back to hell, right? And can I eat any other fruit that is not the forbidden fruit?"

"Yes, you can eat any other fruit that you desire. Just remember to leave the forbidden fruit alone and you can eat any of the other fruit that grows on the trees within the garden. Also, yes, I will be going back to Hell now that you are staying here."

"And are you going to visit me?"

"Of course I will visit you! I could never resist coming here to spend time with you. You are one of the few beings that truly bring me comfort and joy. It will be like a pleasure to come here and see you. So be rest assured that I will definitely be visiting you as often as I can."

"Alright then are you heading back now?"

"Yes, I am. But I will be back to visit you as soon as I can."

"Alright bye!"

"Farewell my Love."

Lucifer smiles at her and leaves the garden and heads back to Hell.

She was really having the time of her life help animals and petting them in the end. Swimming in the pure water eating different fruits it was so much fun. Well until God find out that a human was in the garden. At first, he was only watching her from afar. He tinged that she looked just like Eve. So, he decided to this time make and Adam from Eve. He made the boy just for her putting him down into the other side of the garden.

As God placed the young boy down in the other part of the garden, he looked just like the first man. He had the same hair as Adam, the same blue eyes, the same build, and the same pure soul. This time God was careful since he did not want the new man to fall into the same trap as the Adam from before. This time God would be the one to make sure that the man stayed pure and innocent. God had decided to guide the man himself instead of sending angels and letting him make his own decisions.

God would spend his time with the young man, teaching him about right and wrong and guiding his choices. God would show him how to respect nature and animals and how to treat them with kindness. God would make sure that this time the new man understood the difference between right and wrong and that he did not make the same mistakes as the previous Adam. God would help the man grow into an ethical, responsible man, and would not allow the man to fall into temptation or corruption.

It was time for Adam to finally meet Y/n or if God likes to call her the new Eve.

God would bring the young man over to Y/n and introduce him to her. He would explain to her that this was the new man that he had created for her and that he was a pure and innocent soul just like her. He would ask her to guide the man and take care of him like she had been doing in the garden by herself. They would begin to build a relationship and God would hope that they would grow closer over time.

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