You are finally here

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"Have you missed me my dear Eve?"

But she couldn't reply. She was tired and weak. Adam would notice that she was unable to reply to him and he would let out a deep and evil laugh as he saw this.

"Looks like you are not in the best condition my dear. Your little knight in shining armor let you down. Do not worry now. He may have been protecting you but now he is occupied, and I have you all to myself. I will be able to do whatever I please with you now and he cannot do a thing. You are mine."

She couldn't say anything only a few tears fell down on her cheeks. Adam would look down at the tears in her eyes and he would chuckle as he saw her trying to fight him off. He would then bend down to be face to face with her and he would speak to her in a cruel voice as he would get very close to her.

"Aww it looks like you have been crying. Do not worry Eve. We will soon be together forever, and I will show you how I can love you in ways that you could never imagine."


She whispered. Adam would freeze when he heard her whisper the word Lucifer. He would look down at her and he would try to convince himself that she was just saying it by mistake. However, in the back of his mind he would remember that Lucifer had carried her into the throne room so that he may keep an eye on her. It was obvious that she was trying to get Lucifer's attention. However, Adam would not care any further as he would lean in even closer to her and he would whisper in her ear.

"Lucifer is far away, and he is fighting my creations. He cannot save you."

"No... he's going to come and-"

But she couldn't continue she was so tired and weak. Adam would smirk as he would sense that she was beginning to become weaker. He would continue to lean in closer to her as he whispers in her ear.

"Shhhhh. There is no need to worry Eve. He will not be able to reach you in time. I am going to take you out of this place so that I can begin my plans sooner. By the time that Lucifer finishes his pointless fight I will have you right here with me far from him. Let me take you."

"Help me Lucifer...."

She whispered. Adam would pause for a brief moment when he heard her whisper Lucifer again. He was unsure of what she was trying to say. Was she actually asking for him to come and save her? She must have made a mistake in her half-asleep state. But he would not take any chances and he would lean even closer to her as he whispers in her ear again.

"You do not care for him anymore do you Eve? You would rather be with the one who actually loves you right?"

"He love's me...."

She whispered back trying to sound angry. Adam would chuckle before speaking to her in a mocking tone.

"Are you sure about that? Is that why he is away, and I am here? I can sense that you are lying to me. I can sense that deep down you no longer care for him. He has been leaving you alone for so long while I have been waiting all this time for you to come back to me. Do not blame me for you losing your faith in him."


She screamed hoping Lucifer is going to hear her. Adam would be startled but just for a split second. He would quickly catch himself and he would speak in a condescending tone to her.

"Shhh. We have already been established that Lucifer cannot hear you. He is far away, and he will not come and save you. So just relax and let me take care of you. I can give you everything that Lucifer cannot. I can give you what he has not been able to. I can make you mine."

She was out of energy she couldn't say anything anymore. Adam would see her lack of energy and he would let out a small chuckle. He seemed to realize that the best way to get her to comply was to simply outwait her. He would lean even closer to her, and he would whisper in her ear again.

"You see my dear Eve. You cannot scream out and call for help if you have no energy left in you. You have nothing left and I have everything in the palm of my hand. So, it is best that you stop fighting and just relax in my care."

He then picked her up. While Lucifer was fighting, he realized something he didn't see Adam once in the fight. Lucifer was still engaged in the battle against the Angels, and he had yet to notice that Adam was no longer there. He continued to defend himself as he tried to remain calm and focused. However, for some reason he was feeling more worried, and he was unsure as to why he was feeling this way. It was at this point that he realized that he was no longer seeing Adam in the fight, and this was making him even more concerned. Lucifer would look around the battlefield and he would become more and more nervous as he could not find Adam anywhere. He would try to continue fighting but it was like he was now feeling more uneasy and even though it was supposed to be Adam that he was supposed to be worried about he began to feel a sense of anxiety and worry about Y/n. He decided that there was no point to this battle if Y/n was in danger, so he decided to end the fight and he flew very high into the air to get a better view of the battlefield. Lucifer was now high up in the air and he scanned the entire battlefield. He was unable to see or sense any trace of Adam or Y/n and this made him feel even more anxious. He was starting to feel like he was now in too deep and that he was not going to be able to find Y/n in time even though he had no idea what he was searching for. It was this feeling of fear that he could not shake off that made him try even harder to look for something that would give him some kind of a hint as to her whereabouts. He then heard her scream out his name. Lucifer would instantly respond to her cry, and he took off flying to the direction in which he heard her scream his name. When he was about halfway to where he heard her scream, he would finally spot Y/n in the arms of Adam. He was so far away from him and as he continued to fly closer, he saw his grip around her tighten and the more he got close the faster and harder his heartbeat. Lucifer could see Adam with Y/n in his arms the closer he got. He saw the way that Adam was whispering sweet nothings into Y/n's ear and the way he seemed to be taking her away from there. It was at this point that the anxiety and fear that he was feeling would suddenly give way to complete and utter rage. He wanted to get there as soon as possible but he could not get there any quicker. She needed him, he needed to get to her as soon as he possibly could. She saw Lucifer coming so the little strength she had she hit Adam. She fell out of his arms down to the floor. Lucifer saw how Y/n had hit Adam and how she had fallen from his arms. He saw how Adam immediately turned towards him and looked at him with an enraged expression on his face. Lucifer would not allow anything to keep him from getting to Y/n and he decided that he would deal with Adam later. Lucifer began to fly down towards Y/n so he could catch her before she would hit the floor.

"You are finally here..." 

My Angel (Lucifer x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now