Chapter 1

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I WAS MONITORING A PATIENTO WHO WAS VERY ANNOYING, he kept trying to flirt with me and talking about how he was the next big interior designer, how he was better than me in every way, he was in for a penile implant due to erectile disfunction. 

I was paged to the ER for a consultation, the chart said that a 70 year old woman fell on the bath, no major injuries.Talk about saved by the bell.

I approached her with a bright fake smile, I was 46 hours in for a 48 hour shift having slept a total of three hours, thank god for coffee

"Hello Ms. Moore, how are you? I'm Dr. Watson. I went over your chart, but could you--" I started, a man who looked like her son turned around, butterflies fluttered in my stomach for a brief second, he was gorgeous, sharp features, grey eyes and well built in a suit that looked expensive

He was frantically pacing around, clearly stressed, and he cut me off mid sentence. "You're too young to be a doctor. Get me the chief of surgery" he bit out. Aaand the butterflies dropped dead, suffocated, ceased to exist, gone.

I suppressed an eye roll because he looked like he was about to bite my head off. All attractiveness he had vanished, my lack of sleep and his blatant disrespect made him as ugly as a 50 year old creep who catcalled women on the street

His mother (I assume), backhanded his arm and widened her eyes at him in silent reproach, he stayed still and watched her, expectantly. "I for sure did not raise you with those manners. Apologize to the nice doctor who's only doing her job" she flashed a smile at me when she referred to me as nice, I flashed her a polite smile in return

"I apologize Dr. Watson. Please continue" he snarked back in a condescending manners. "No worries. Ms. Moore--"

"Marjorie, dear" she corrected me.

"Marjorie," I smiled, "How exactly did you fall? It says here that you fell on your wrist " Her son was inspecting me as if I was killing a puppy right in front of them. "Yes, I slipped and landed on my wrist"

"Mind if I take a look?"

"Yes, we do very much mind." -he turned towards his mother- "Mom, why don't you let me take you to my doctor, or at least get you into a VIP room, with more privacy" right as he finished a child puked and he suppressed a gag.

"Oliver, I said no. I am your mother, you listen to me. I do not care how successful or rich you are, it does not give you the right to mistreat this nice, perfectly capable doctor that will take great care of me. I just broke my wrist for crying out loud" He just rolled his eyes and stepped back, Marjorie smiled in success

Thank you.

"Can I?" I nodded toward her wrist, she immediately extended it so I could take a look, it looked swollen and had hues of red and purple, clearly broken. "Can you move your fingers?"

She tried but failed, I let go of her wrist and took off my gloves "Okay, Mi- Marjorie, your wrist does in fact look broken, however, it doesn't look like it will require surgery. I'll order an X-Ray to be sure, and I'll take you myself" I offered her a polite smile. Between the erectile disfunction guy and Marjorie's son I didn't know who was more annoying. Just kidding! definitely erectile disfunction guy. I rather take her up to get her films than babysit my other patient.

"Can I have a word with you?" her son, Oliver, almost barked at me. "Of course, sir". His mother rolled her eyes.

I took a few steps away from her mother and he followed, "What seems to be the issue?" I asked. "Despite my mother's... wishes. I want to request another doctor, and page the chief of surgery, Angel"

Indignation made its way to my face, luckily, I could stop it from becoming evident. "No, sir."

"Excuse me?" his eyes darkened and I almost gave in "This chart -I raised his mother's chart- deems her as mentally fit to make her own decisions. So, no, sir. Unless Ms. Moore and only Ms. Moore explicitly requests me off her case, I won't be off. And the chief would not respond to a page about a room change for a patient with a broken arm. Bes--" I was cut off by the sound of a monitor that indicated a patient was flat-lining.

I immediately got into action, put the bed in a completely  horizontal position and paged a code blue, then, I punched the chest of the patient in a manner that could get his heart beating again, he took in a sharp breath and opened his eyes. I didn't need to use the defibrillator. I put the bed in its previous position and gave the patient an oxygen line.

Then, I grabbed his chart and looked for whose patient he was. "Page Dr. Davis" I said loudly, a nurse replied; "Right away doctor"

And then the patient went into arrest. Again.

I put the bed once again in a horizontal position and called a code blue again, I started doing compressions while a nurse got the defibrillator ready 

"Charge 200" I spoke loudly through the fuzz now surrounding me, "Charged" the nurse replied. I placed the paddles on the chest of the patient, "Clear!"

Nothing, "Charge 300!"



A steady heartbeat, phew.

"Hales? You paged me?" Sloan Davis, the doctor of the patient I just saved asked.

After my years as a resident I made friends, Sloan and I weren't best friends, but we were close.

"Yeah, he coded two times, I'd do a workup and if something is off page cardio. What was he in for anyway?"

"He broke his penis" She sighed and grabbed her patient's chart, suddenly, her pager cut through the newfound silence. "Shit, 911 on my transplant. Can you do the tests?"

"Yeah of course, go" at my response, she shot me a thankful glare and ran off.

"I'm sorry, Marjorie, I have to run some tests on my colleague's patient. I'll have a nurse take you to get your X-Ray"

"Okay" Marjorie stared at me mischievously. 

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