Chapter 34: Coincidence

Start from the beginning

A young woman's life for a day could make it's own book. Giggling, laughing, gossiping, sharing secrets, blushing, twirling your hair, love, lies, etc.

"See ya later Sophie!" "Au revoir" "Ciao" "Bye", her friends waved.

"Au revoir. Bye." She waved back.

Back home, she took a quick shower and changed into comfortable clothes.

"Mom! No dinner for me. I ate too much with my friends." She yelled.

She made her way to the gaming pod installed in her bedroom, on the 1st floor of their two storey house, and logged in to Long Island.


Sphinx appeared in the middle of the forest when suddenly an intense feeling bombarded her senses. A horrifying fishy, rotting smell!

"What the..." She grimaced. "Did something die around here?"

Sphinx looked around but couldn't see anything. She even sniffed herself just to be sure.

"The smell seems to be coming from the sea?" She was shocked at her discovering this.

She loved the sea air with it's salty fresh feeling. This was one of the reasons she hunted here in the forest, rather than try to head to the capital. She turned and walked towards the sea.

In a few minutes, she reached the shore but what waited for her was an even more shocking feeling.

"A fish with a sail?!" She could not help exclaiming aloud. This scene was so weird. Not only was the fish on top of the water, it had what looked like a sail sticking above it.

Sphinx rubbed her eyes and looked again at this strange sight. It was only then that she noticed a smallish ship underneath it. Or rather the ship wasn't really that small, the humongous fish made it look smaller than it was, she realized.

But anyone would get mistaken when they first saw this sight. It was that bizarre.

"And the smell is coming from that." She wrinkled her nose. "How are the people able to even breathe?!"

This strange ship slowly slid in closer and made it's way to the island. Sphinx had never seen such a fish before. Beyond the disgusting smell, she was deeply interested and so she followed the ship.

'It seems to be getting even closer? Where is it heading?'

As she followed, the ship reached shore and dropped anchor in a small cove. But this relatively normal scene shocked her to her roots.

'That's a human, a monkey and a large green bird which looks so much like a parrot? That's it? No others?!'

She did not know much about sailing but still to sail a ship and kill this absurd beast singlehandedly...

'Either this guy is a powerful npc or there is something fishy going on.' She surmised. But this particular npc was wearing something that didn't look like anything the people of this island wore. 'Definitely not from this island.'

Her curiosity aroused, she could only approach this particular man, all the while hoping she didn't have to breathe the air for much longer.

As Sphinx approached, the guy stood up and stared at her. Like she was the last thing he expected. Like he was guilty. She almost thought that she had just witnessed some illegal smuggling or something.

'I better be careful.'

But as she walked in, the guy simply stared back. Rather it was the monkey and that parroty bird who were causing a ruckus for some reason.

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