Chapter 17 (Flash or Bubble Guppies)

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Sam suprises them with a visit. Char didnt want to be seen as a little, she gets put down for a nap and now we go David's pov.


David POV:

She came running to me call me daddy. I'm happy to hear the name but I wish it was for better circumstances. I hope it sticks. I hear her tell me that her friend Sam is here but that she didn't tell her about her agreeing to be my little. I try to act confident but I'm freaking out about how to calm her. This wasn't in any of the little preparation books. I mouth to Sam to "Wait." She seems so shocked maybe she doesn't even see me. I put Charlie to bed even if it's an hour early and go downstairs to talk to Sam.

"So... I'm David..." I don't know where to start other than introduce a name I'm sure she already knows. It doesn't seem to matter as she starts blabbering.

"She actually did it! I told her to try it out, but I was sure she was gonna be stubborn, why didn't she tell me? I tried calling to tell her I was coming but she didn't pick up. Again, why didn't she think she could tell me?!"

"I- well-" I sign, "It's hard for her, not the regressing part, but the trusting other people, I think she just wanted it to be a normal private, not-a-big-deal thing, and telling you, would make it a big deal."

"I get that... I do... how often has she regressed?"

"I would say 2-3 times, still getting into it, finding out her age and all that," She nods understanding and then seems to be thinking about her words, opening and closing her mouth. Finally, she shakes her hand and blurts out, "Has she been eating more?" I'm stunned, "We are trying, it's easier if she is little." Again she nods, "You can trust her when talking about food, okay? She might say she ate, but she didn't. She might say she is full, but she isn't. She always hides food on her plate, her pockets, anything. You have to check okay?" She seems panicked that Char might hear her, whispering it to me.

"I- I noticed she had some problems eating, I didn't think it was that bad... Thank you for telling me." All I'm thinking is that I'm not qualified for this and I need to do some research.

"She also purges."


"Forces herself to throw up, I only caught her twice, and both times she said she was sick. Middle of the night, I think she binged, then felt guilty for eating that much. I'm telling you, basically a stranger, not so you can get super strict with her, just so you can keep an eye out and help her. I have tried but..."

"I understand-" I get interrupted by a little voice, softly yelling (if that's possible)

"I need help"

I excuse myself, confused as to why she needed help, I assumed she would be big when she woke up, and she did not sleep enough.

I walk into her room and she is shirtless struggling to put her pants on while still wearing shorts. Bunch on one leg, biting her lip, concentrating.

I chuckle and she looks up.

"I wanna be big" her voice wobbles when she talks. I can tell she is trying to not be small and is failing. I obviously don't mention it, and get down on my knees to help her out.

Char's POV

Daddy- I mean David, helps me free myself from my jeans so I can take off my shorts. I didn't notice that I had those on. He dresses me up and suggests I go wash my face with water to "wake me up". I grasp his hand, really wanting to be carried but trying to be big, and walk over the the bathroom. Dragging it out as much as possible. Not wanting to face Sam. He abruptly lifts me and plops me on the counter. "Let's get to it, what are you scared of when you go talk to Sam." I look down at my hands, "I know it's illogical...", he nods "That's okay, sometimes saying the thoughts out loud helps shoe them away." Now it was my turn to nod.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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