Chapter 15 (First Regression)

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They went to the park and had fun, she almost regressed but not yet. They talked and decided to go all in with the little stuff. 


*the day from the last chapter passed and a whole day has passed*

Is it horrible that I like this? I feel selfish, you know? To like to be pampered... how does he enjoy pampering me? I don't get it. Ever since I told him to just dive in on the little stuff... well he did... he changes my clothes every morning, for naptime, he puts me in a tank top and pajama shorts, and then he changes me again for nighttime. I eat with a princess plate, sometimes I choose which one I want. And currently, I have challenged myself to play with some toys. He gave me some little toys, and legos and told me to have fun, to not worry about it being perfect. I'm trying but it's just boring. I'm building a house wall thing... I don't have a plan. But a piece gets stuck in the wrong place! I try to pry it off but it's just making my fingers hurt. I need that piece for the front of the house! I don't like this game anymore! I continue to try to take the piece off and FINALLY, I do! I throw the piece away from me. I throw it kinda hard but the piece deserves it!

"Don't throw things. I know it's fun but don't."

What! He doesn't know that piece was bad! He just says it like I was the one being mean, but that's not true! As if I was throwing things for fun! I grab another piece and throw it! And then another and another! I giggle. I like how it bounces on the carpet. I grab another piece and am about to throw it again when he says "Charlotte, don't you dare throw that piece." He is just a little confused! He doesn't get it, I throw it. And giggle. He sighs. "In the corner. 5 min."

What! The corner. What am I going to do there?" My mouth must have dropped because he stood up and came over to me. "Come on," he helps me up and semi-pushes me to a corner. What?

"5 min."


"Yes baby, I told you to stop, you kept going. 5 min."

He faces me towards the wall. And I turn back. I don't want to look at the wall. It's not fun.

"Baby, if you do that again it's going to be 10 min."

He pushes me to look at the wall again. I look for like 10 seconds and I don't like it. I turn around. He is still there, he wipes some tears off my cheek that I didn't know were there and says, "Sweetie, 10 min. I know it's not fun but I told you to stop and you didn't. "Noo!" I scream! And stomp my feet! "No no no!" He sighs again, looks at me, and says "15 min, now can you use your words and tell me what's got you so frustrated?"

I wipe some tears off my cheek. "I don't want to be alone."

"You won't be sweetie, I'll be right there," he points to the table where his laptop is. I think about it. "You on the couch?" That's closer then the table. He nods "Okay sweetie, I'll be on the couch waiting for your 15 min to be up. Think about what you did." He turns me around and this time I stay.

The wall is white, it's boring. I start jiggling a little, it's boring to stand still. I wish I hadn't moved at the five minutes. 15 is too long! This is sooo unfair... well... I think about it. Like David said. He did tell me to stop... and if David started throwing things I would be scared. Maybe David is scared. I don't want that... I think for what I believe to be 10 years and David says "10 more minutes". I hope David forgives me. He doesn't understand about the bad block, I'll explain it to him though. I still shouldn't have thrown the other ones, they were not bad. "5 more min sweetie". I want David. Is he going to hate me? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare David or to hurt the good blocks. "You're done baby! That's it! Come, give me a hug!" I turn around and speed walk toward him, David doesn't like it when I run too fast, he says I could get hurt. I go into his arms and he hugs me tight. I'm about to say that I'm sorry for scaring him but maybe he doesn't want me to know that, I think he likes to act strong. So instead I say "I'm sowwy for thwoing. The first one was evil dough!"

He raises his eyebrows, "evil? Wow! What did it do?"

So I tell him! And show him my red fingers which he kisses better. Then he puts on finding Nemo!

I cuddle up and put my head on his lap.

"It's about your nap time, let's go ni ni."

Mhm, and I just watch the movie until I fall asleep.

*What is a good length for a chapter? *

Next Chapter at 10 am

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