Chapter 14 (The Park)

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We talked a little more about the whole little situation and I told him I didn't want to wait. That I would just be stressing about all the bad my mind can make up. And well, long story short we are going to the park, to A) "tire me out for nap time" and B) "see the fun in little space". Those are his words! Not mine. We are getting ready, going up the stairs and to my room. He asks if he can pick my outfit and I say yes. He looks through my wardrobe, probably looking for something to make me "feel younger" (his words) he finally takes out a white skirt and a white shirt that matches, they both have little embroidered flowers on them, plus the shirt has puffy sleeves. Not bad, this is something I would wear. He holds it up to me and asks "Can I help you change?" I- change? Like, take off my clothes. I am about to scream no when I think back to Sam. That I should try it. So, against everything I stand for, I say. "Okay."

He smiles warmly and says "Hands up!" He pulls off my shirt. And pulls down my shorts. "One foot out" he unnecessarily guides my foot outside the shorts and does it with the other foot too. "Now let's put on this pretty shirt?" This makes me smile and nod. "Hands up" and he slips on the shirt. Same thing for the skirt. He adds some socks and shoes. I bend down to do the laces and then I remember, I look up to see him bend down and tie my shoes. This is embarrassing. My cheeks might be permanently stained red. But I will admit, being pampered is nice. Just not 24/7. He then goes on to brush my hair, which is too short for pigtails thank god but he does make two tiny braids to dangle on the side of my face. I have been silent for most of this, other than a few yelps of pain from the horrible monster's hairbrush. He leads me to his car, a Mercedes Bens. He opens the backseat for me and low and behold. A booster seat! I take a deep breath and sit in the car and on the seat. He puts me on my seatbelt. He goes to the driving seat and turns back "How did I do?" He flashes a nervous smile. And that nervousness calms me down, it is his first time too.

"Five stars on Yelp"

"Thanks" he starts the car and I need one win. One thing is to not go into a full-blown meltdown. He told me to tell him. "Can I get out of the booster seat?"

"Thanks for asking, yeah let me unbuckle you." And though I could do it, I let him do it.


I'm having fun. Real fun. Not one where you just fake a smile. I'm swinging on the swing and sliding down the slide (he meets me at the bottom for "safety") the park is mostly empty since it's cloudy, so people leave me alone. Then this monster of a lady comes up. Well, when she was walking with her little she didn't seem like a monster but what she did next totally made her one. David is pushing me on the swings, and this lady comes up and puts her child on the swing next to mine.

"How old is she?"

What! Without missing a beat David says,

"We just got matched, so we are still figuring it out."

"Oh, well my baby over here she knew she was a little before she even came to me. She is 6, thank you for asking."

"That's good for her. We are just taking it at her pace right now."

He turns away and starts pushing me again since he stopped.

"Oh I know what you should do, I read it in a book once! With hesitant littles, you have to throw them in. Do you know? Spank um if they act too big."

My eyes bulge out. He won't spank me. Right? He said he didn't believe in that...

Surprisingly he ignores her and looks down at me. "Don't worry. I didn't lie, we are taking it at your pace."

"K... David?"


"You can't let them call you your name! Show um you are the boss. It's okay, I was like that at the beginning too."

"Shut up. Okay? Shut up." He looks back at me, "What where are you saying?"

I bite my lip, "can we go to the monkey bars?" Anything to get away!

"Well of course we can!"


David's POV:

The park was fun, other than that lady, now I just have to get her to sleep for nap time. It won't take her long to find her little space, I can see her letting go, slowly but surely. I think what she is most scared of is me. Whether that is hurting her, laughing at her, or something else entirely. I'm trying to make her understand that I won't hurt her or laugh at her. Entering the house I decide to be upfront.

"It's time for nap time. Do you want to go to sleep now or in 10 min?" I read in a book that giving options for new littles helps them not to get too overwhelmed.

She thinks about it... she bites her lip....

"What if I can't sleep?"

"If you can't sleep then it's just relaxing time. Time to take a breather."

"Okay then, right now is good." I hold her hand and go to her room, look in her closet, and find two PJs.

"Purple one or the blue one?"

"Purple! Obviously!"

I put on purple shorts and a white tank top for the nap. Put her in bed, "Goodnight!"

Hopefully, I am doing this right. After three years of waiting for a match, I did my research. There isn't much to see though, most of the books I read involve spankings taking sweets away, or taking stuffies away. All of which I don't want to do. In my opinion, spanking only brings fear, this early on, taking away sweat challenges the idea of a healthy balance with good, and stuffed animals are a comfort item. They are a need just as much as they are a want. I start making lunch and think about which plate should I put for her, the kid princess plate that has the food sections, or just a normal one. In some places, it says to just go all out with little stuff, and in others, it says to go slowly. I don't know what to do. I hear her walking down the stairs and I decide I'll ask her. "Hey, sleepyhead, nice sleep?"

She is running the sleep from her eyes, "Mhm, I had a good dream."

"Well, I can't wait to hear all about it! But before we do, I have a question. Do you want the little plate of the normal plate?"

"Oh... I.... Idk...." She starts playing with her hands.

"That's okay. I have another question though, do you want to go in slowly or quickly, into all the little stuff I mean."

She thinks about this... her cheeks flare up even before she starts speaking, "I think I want to just go fast. Cus I like it when you choose the stuff for me."

That has got me confused. "What do you mean?"

"Like... it's stress-free when I don't have to make the choices. Even if it's little play or big plate. If you ask me I want to say big plate, to prove I can do it. But if you gave me a little plate I would... you know... not hate it. And also... well yeah that's it."

"No, it isn't. I'm not judging, I'm new at this too, I want to know."

"Before you asked, I was like... well I think I was letting go a bit more...."

Wait, is she saying what I think she is saying... "You mean regressing?"

She nods a little.

I continued, guessing what she was trying to tell me, "And me asking what you wanted, choosing between something big or small makes you feel bigger?"

She nods again.

"Thanks! Let's get some food into you."

Longish Chapter! please comment opinions and ideas!!!

Next Chapter at 10 am

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