Chapter 11 (midnight snack and THE call!)

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Charlie played with her phone after bedtime and got it taken away for three days. After she felt to guilty about everything she had done previously she went to apologize (in the middle of the night) after David calming down her crying she whispers that she is hungry.
End Recap:

He pulls me to the kitchen and plops me on a seat.
"Let's see what is on the chef's menu today." He says in a fake stern voice.
"Can I just have like cookies?"
He nods and pretends to think "mmm... a cookie is on the menu but we also need some good yummy food! Yeah?"
Normally I would just eat a few cookies then come back for a few more and more then i would feel bad and fat over it. I just get so hungry some times...
I play along. "Oh yes, what is on the menu, chef?"
"mhm..." he scratches his chin, "oh yes I know exactly what you would love, gourmet."
"well, you got my intrigued. What is it?"
"a chef never reveals his secrets but... well... I think I can make an exemption!" He opens the fridge, grabs a box, and shows me a box of Dino nuggets. If only they could be normal nuggets, more grown up.
He continues his charade "The extinct dinosaur meat, rare and only served in my kitchen!"
I let out a laugh, and let go. What harm can some Dino nuggets do?
He pops them into the oven and we wait, while we do we play 21 questions. I learn his favorite color is cyan blue and he learns mine is light purple. We talk serious things too, my mom not saying goodbye, his dad left when he was young. We talk and talk and I eat the Dino nuggets and he calls me beautiful. When I start yawning again he says it's time to say goodnight and I don't argue. He tucks me in and kisses me on the cheek, whispers goodnight in my ear and I instantly fall asleep.

I wake up to someone shaking me,
"Char, someone is on the phone for you..."
Nope, do not wake me up in the morning.
"Tell them to fuck-" oh no. I rush to apologize, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean, I'm just so-"
"It's okay charlotte, it will take time to break the habits. It's Sam on the phone."
"Why didn't you start with that to begin with! I jump up and grab the phone from his hand. He laughs and walks out of the room.
"Omg, hii! It feels like forever since we last talked!" I say, super excited to have my friend back.
"yes it does missy, but did I just find out that you got your phone taken away! You are only a day in!"
"Did he tell you!"
"Well, obviously when he picks up your phone instead of you! Now, aren't you trying at all!"
"yes! Trying out being a little!"
"nope, the little thing is not for me!"
"Charlie, take this from his perspective, he waited 3 years for a little to be matched with him, and finally when he does he gets one who refuses to even try! And from what you have told me and from what I just heard, he seems patient and caring!"
"stop lecturing me, I am not a child!"
"You should start to act like one though!" She lets out a giggle as if this was the funniest thing in the world. I choose to ignore her comedy right now.
"What do you want me to do? Huh?"
"Tell him you want to try it out! You are a little!"
"I don't want to be though... can we stop talking about my shitty situations and instead talk about you now?"
"Isn't not cursing one of your rules?" I instantly regret cursing thinking how disappointed David would be. I could try to follow the rules, even if I'm not trying the whole little things. I still don't like my friend scolding me!
"Not you too! Let me just chill for a second? Okay? How is life going on for you? Packing up? Is your dad okay?"
And then we talk about her for the better part of an hour. When it is time to hang up she says.
"Tell him, try it out, the worst that could happen if you don't like it, but at least you tried!"
"If you could see me right now I would be rolling my eyes. Byyyeeee Sam!"
"Think about it! Bye."

Dad Joke of the chapter:
A ham sandwich comes to a bar. The bartender says "sorry, we don't serve food here."
(Not my favorite but works)

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