Good morning

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Smiling, I felt Malay starting to wake up.

I looked at him as he opened and rubbed his eyes.


"Yes, darling?"

Malay yawned and looked at me before he froze. He must have recalled last nights events as he realised the position we were in.

When he remembered where he was, he instantly sat up and got further away from me with his back to the wall while hiding under the blanket.

My smile widened as I sat and came closer, eventually pinning him to the wall. I try to pry the blanket to see Malay's eyes shut.

"Mal, can't hide in there forever, you know?"

He peeked his eyes and was shocked to see me so close. His face heated up and tried to escape but soon noticed that I had him pinned to the wall.

Due to the closeness Malay's brain had... 'malfunctioned'. I tilted my head.

"Malay? Mal... darling? Are you okay?" Seeing him not respond, a slight panic grew in my chest.

Suddenly, I had an idea that could potentially go really good or really bad...

I gave him a kiss on the forehead.

I examined his reaction. 'Wow, did that have no effect on him at all?' Shaking my head, I stopped pinning him and got up from the bed.

It was a split second, but from the corner of my eye, I saw Malay use his powers and ran towards the door.

He was so close, but since I realised it early, I managed to pin him on the door.

"No! I was so close!" Malay struggled and soon gave up.

I laughed. "Indeed. Your only flaw was that you are still inexperienced, but that was still amazing,"

Moving away from Malay, I released him as he faced the door. I opened the door for him only to be faced with Indo and Phil.

-3rd Person POV-

The four could only stare in surprise as they looked at each other. The rest was all a blur...

Indo and Phil had worked together, and with the element of surprise, they had somehow managed to pull the other two to the couch, though it could also have been Singa and Malay playing along.

Singa was on the couch while Indo and Phil were sort of in a protective stance while sitting on the couch opposite.

"What did you do to Malay! Why was he in your room? I'm going to kill you if you did anything to him," Indo exclaimed.

Before Indo could attempt to 'attack' Singa, Phil stopped him. All the while, Malay was trying to explain what really happened.

"Guys, stop! Nothing happened between me and Singa! It was just because..." Indo an Phil paused and waited for Malay to continue.

In his mind, Malay thought about the options. Tell them about the panic attack or lie to them so they don't coddle him like overprotective parents along with the pity that came with it.

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