Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village

Start from the beginning

"Brock? Hey, Brock!" shouted Ash.

"Hayley! Meeko!" Misty called out. "Think they washed out this far downstream?"

"I hope not." said Ash, worried about Hayley. Suddenly, Misty trips over what seemed to be a root in the ground when they placed in another trap. "Whoa!" they both said.

"Hey, how'd we get up in a tree?" asked Ash.

"It's another trap! Do something!" said Misty.

"What can I do?" asked Ash.

"Try wiggling. See if the net will open." suggested Misty and Ash wiggles. "Oh!"

"Oh, this is dumb!" said Ash.

"You got any better ideas, let's hear 'em!" said Misty.

"Pi! Pika, pi!" said Pikachu, pointing out of the net.

"Bulbasaur!" said Bulbasaur.

"Huh?" said Misty and Ash.

"Huh? Bulbasaur." said Ash.

"Saur.... Saur." said Bulbasaur as it backs up.

"Hold it there, Bulbasaur! I want a match!" said Ash, struggling to against the net.

"Now you're wiggling too much!" said Misty. "Ouch, you kicked me!"

"Oh, Bulbasaur!" shouted Ash. On the side of a cliff, a bush appeared.

"The village we're looking for should be on the other side of that bridge." said Jessie.

"Let's just hope the rumors are true." said James.

"(Laughs) Just wait and see what Team Rocket's got planned for you, you delicious little village." said Meowth.

"Gee, I wonder what happened to Brock and Hayley." said Ash.

"I wonder too." said Misty.

"Maybe the river carried them far away, all the way to the ocean." Ash said to her. "Then some pirates spotted them and brought them aboard their ship. And one of the pirates has a wooden leg."

"You have a crazy imagination." said Misty.

"Pikachu!" said Pikachu.

"Then came the storm." said Ash.

"Ahoy!" shouted Brock.


"Hi, Ashy." said Hayley, waving from below with Meeko next to her.

"Olu!" Meeko called out, waving to them from down below.

"Hey, Brock! Hayley! Meeko!" said Ash.

"Why are you hanging around in that tree?" asked Brock as he cuts them down from the tree.

"Thanks, but maybe next time, you could let us down a little more gently." said Misty.

"Yeah, sure. Sorry." said Brock.

"We've been looking all over for the two of you." said Misty.

"We saw you fall into the river. Then what happened?" Ash asked as he looks over Hayley.

"Well, we were being washed away in the rapids and Hayley was hanging onto me with Meeko." said Brock.


"I've got you. Just hold on." said the woman as she grabs Brock's hand and pulls him, Hayley and Meeko out of the rapids.

[Flashback ends]

"The girl who saved our life was incredibly beautiful." said Brock.

"Hm, a beautiful girl, huh? That's even better than pirates." said Ash. "Unless, of course, she was really a pirate in disguise."

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