What the fuck did they do to my quirk!? Why the fuck is it not working!?

I am brought out of my thoughts when I hear someone unlock the wooden door. Whoever it is, comes in and walk up to me. They were wearing a black hoodie with the hood up that covered their hair and black jeans. They also had a mask and cap that covered up their face. The only part of their face that I see was their eyes which was an emerald green in color. He almost reminds me of someone but it can't be him. He is dead.

"Looks like you are awake now."

"What the fuck do you want with me!?"

"Oh I know what I really want, Kachaan~"

"W-what? How the fuck do you know that name? Only one person calls me that-"

What the fuck!? No fucking way! It can't be him! I saw him dead with my own fucking eyes! How the fuck is he here!? Is that really you Izuku?

"Oh Kachaan, I did miss you too you know?"

"I-Izuku? Is that really you? B-but how?"

He chuckles and leans closer. He looks at me straight in the eye and I look back at those green emerald eyes which stare back at me.

"I have my ways Kachaan."

"But Izuku, why did you become a villain? You always wanted to become a hero."

It just did not make any fucking sense! He was so fucking crazy obsessed with heroes so what changed? Why did he become a villain?

He sighs and shakes his head.

"That was before. I have come to realize that most heroes that we know of, are only saving people for the money and fame. They are so fake that they refuse to help those who are really in danger like the quirkless and the weak. We can only find a very few heroes who actually are true to heart."

He pauses and takes a deep breath before continuing.

"I want to get rid of such heroes, meaning that I want to bring in justice. The LOV was forced to become villains by the society and All Might. All Might may look like a very good man at heart but no one has ever seen what he does behind the scenes. He is just like those other fake heroes but worse. He says that everyone can become a hero yet when I asked if a quirkless person could become a hero, he said no."

I look at him in shock and he sighs.

"I thought so you would be, especially since you are his successor."

"Wait- How do you know that? I didn't tell anyone else about that!"

How did he come to find out about that? Only the old hag, me and All Might know about it. No one else knows about it so how did Izuku know?

"I came to know because I happened to be there in that alley when he explained it to you. You guys were not that discrete you know? And besides, he told me about it in the rooftop where I asked him the question because he deflated in front of me as his time ran out."

I don't say a word as everything slowly processes in me.

Is this all really true? I don't know what to fucking believe anymore.

"Kachaan, I know it is hard to believe but we have got our evidences. I can show it to you if you would like but under one condition. We would like you to join us."


"Me and the LOV which includes All For One."

I stay silent, trying to figure out what to say.

"It's fine Kachaan, take your time. I will come back later and ask you then that time you give me your response."

He straightens up and walks to the door. He shuts it and I hear him lock the door. A queer silence fills the room as my thoughts go all over the place.

Is all of it fucking true? Is that really the truth that All Might is not all as he seems to be?

Is many of the heroes really fake that they only do it for the money and fame?

Is this all to them?

What are they like behind their mask?

Should I agree with Izuku?

I don't know but I do owe him since I did bully him for many years.

I really can't believe he is still alive!

I think I have decided what to do.

The time passes by quickly and I soon hear the door unlock once more. Izuku comes in and looks at me.

"Have you decided Kachaan?"

"Yes. I would like to join."

"Well then Kachaan......welcome to the team."

(A/N- hey guys! That was the end of this chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed it! I am bored as hell in my home and my friends are going to go out and enjoy while I am stuck at home. Wish I could join them but sadly that is a no..TT Anyways, I hope you guys have a great day/night! Stay Safe! Bye!)

(1522 Words)

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