25.) Training

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Myra Montgomery
I've been happier then I ever have before. I've been talking more, expressing how I feel. Leo has really helped me come a far way.

Today, I was training with the boys and April. Uh, let's just say, it got kinda chaotic.

I was up against April. April stood by the shifting doors while I stand in-front of the Sakura tree.

"Sorry Myra, can't go easy on you," She takes out a fan and I look around and shrug. I put my hands up and Splinter raises a brow at me.

"Myra, would you not like a weapon?" I shake my head.

"Nah, we goin old school," I grin and Splinter nods.

"Yamei!" April runs towards me but I duck and roll under her. I go to chop her in her side but her fan comes out of nowhere so I lean back evading is smoothly.

She then grabs her fan and instinctively I grab her wrist and pull her forward. I kick the fan out of her hand and swoop her legs under, placing her arms behind her back.

"Very good Myra, you weakened April's dominate side, turning it against her. Do you have a teacher?" I let go of April and help her up.

"Oh yeah, my mom was a Kunoichi. She trained me before." I explain and everyone but Leo looks at me in shock.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell y'all," I turned to them while awkwardly smiling.

"The more you know," Donnie mutters.

"This girl keeps getting crazier," Raph exclaimed.

"Oh, oh, I wanna go against her next!" Mickey jumped up, waving his hand. Raph looks at him in disbelief, while Donnie facepalms. Leo was just smiling at me.

"What's got you smiling wonder boy?" Raph asked Leo.

"I knew Myra was trained by someone when I saw the move she pulled on Mikey the day we first met her." Leo explains.

"Leo will go up against Myra," Splinter interrupts. Oh, it's cause he's my boyfriend, isn't it?

Leo gets up but takes both of his katanas out and puts them to the side. So we both going fist to fist? Alright, say less. Leo puts one hand behind his back, holding the other one in-front of him. Lord have mercy, the things I would do.. nope, nope, stop it hormones. But this man, was a serious deal, might have to, no, I need to watch my steps.

"Yamei!" We both stood their circling around the dojo. The one who moves first is destined to lose. However, if Leo were to move first, he'd win. Me on the other hand, no.

You're thinking to much. Focusing on what you see instead of what you hear.

Kitsune? Is that you?

The one and only.

Am I not supposed to use my eyes when in battle?

Yes, but your eyes can never be quick enough. Just listen.

I slowly close my eyes, unsure of what was about to happen. I hear Leo move to my left and try to go for my side. I elbow his arm downward and evade backwards.

See? You would have never been able to see that, with how fast he moves.

Woah, this is amazing.

I take a breath and listens to where he lands. In front of me. I rush forward and go for a flying quick.

He evaded and grabs my leg. Crap. I put both of my hand together and put all my strength into my arms as I push them forward, pushing into his chest and knocking him back a little. That time was enough to compose my self and slide under him. I then put my hands on the ground and jerk my body upward, he had turned around and I kick him in the chest and he lands on the ground.

"Oh my god!" I get up and look at him. My hands were on my mouth. When it came to kicking I never really knew how to hold back kicking at full power.

"Crap, I seriously have got to hold back next time,"

"Man, you seriously pack a kick," Leo grins painfully as he holds his chest. "Seriously gotta work on that," I help him up.

"Leonardo, are you alright?" Splinter walks up to him.

"Yeah, I'm fine," He puts a hand behind his head while smiling.

"I think I'm gonna take a break, I'm not kicking anyone, anymore," Splinter nods and lets me go on my way. However the other boys had to stay and train in.

"Hey," I look towards Leo as he walks up towards me.

"Hi hi," I wave at him.

"You said you don't know how to control how hard you kick?" I nod. He walks me over to Raph's dummy and stands behind it.

"Try kicking the dummy softly but with a little power to move it," He holds the dummy. I look at him confused before shrugging. I aim for the chest and kick at it. The dummy goes back and knocks Leo off one of his feet.

"Too hard, try again," Leo said and I groan. I kick at the dummy's chest again but this time a little softer but forcefully.

"Good, now a little harder," I kick at the dummy again and the dummy moves back a little further then before.

"Good, try hitting it as soft as you can," I pause before giving it a little nudge at the feet. Leo just laughs at me.

"Ok, now start kicking the dummy harder," I gently kick it with my foot and it moves a little.

"Good, again," I kick harder and it moves back more.

"Good, harder," I kick at it with more force and it goes further back.

"Good now kick it as hard as you can," I go to kick it but I then stop.

"What's wrong?" I then go behind where the dummy is and move Leo out the way. I then go back in front of the dummy and kick directly at the head at full force and the whole head comes off, the body falling down to the ground.

"And that's why I don't normally kick," I say walking up to him.

"Just have to work on it, I'd say about 2 months,"

"2 months? Nah I'm done,"

😞😞 weekend came by pretty fast if I'm being honest. Finna go by faster. Myra gonna get her powers soon, I just love seeing a character have such good development. Especially if they like have a bad past and are trying to move on. It adds such character. That's why I had to spice my girl Myra up.

-1113 words

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