Chapter 1

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The art exhibition in New York enveloped the air with the smell of sophistication and amazing beauty. Everyone was absolutely delighted with the latest works of young artists who were sponsored by my foundation.

There was a lot of noise in the hall. The visitors enthusiastically discussed their works, depth, the subtlety of the idea, the magical interweaving of colors and shapes.

I just stood aside like a shadow. Unfortunately, I didn't understand anything about it. There was one person in my life who tried to instill in me a love of art, but all her attempts were in vain. Perhaps that's why exhibitions and art galleries brought back sad memories.

The evening was coming to an end. I was about to leave, because such a pastime was clearly not for me. Already heading for the exit, Albert called out to me, "Arthur, wait, please."

He was one of the best art agents in the city who worked with many artists in my foundation.  With a quick movement, he was right in front of me. "Do you have a minute?" - he asked.

"I was about to leave..." - I shrugged, but he quickly interrupted me "It won't take long." I just nodded in response, making it clear that I was ready to listen to him. 

"I'd like to introduce you to the owner of this gallery, Adam Zilon," - Albert began. I noticed that the man behind him was approaching in our direction.  I quickly looked back to Albert. "He would like to discuss something with you ,"- he added.

A man in his thirties appeared next to the Albert. A woman was holding his arm, but her silhouette was hidden behind Albert.  Albert took a step to the side, and a woman appeared in front of me. She was slender and elegant, with soft features and the impassive gaze of an interested viewer who was examining the canvas in the distance. The long hair that fell to her waist created an aura of mystery.  She tore her gaze away from artist's work and looked at me. Our eyes met for a moment.

"Kornelia Harris," - Albert added. 

"It's her! After all these years! How is this even possible!?" - thoughts flashed through my head. I shuddered, but quickly came to my senses, hiding my emotions with a cold mask of restraint and indifference.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Medson," - Kornelia said with composure in her voice, but a smile on her face. Her gaze was unbiased.

Kornelia held out her hand to me, and I couldn't help but notice her wedding ring. She was going to get married. This news fell on me like a bolt from the blue. I didn't know how I felt at that moment. Something clenched inside, and I felt a slight pain. As it turned out, I still couldn't forget her.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Harris," - I said, trying to keep the excitement out of my voice.

The sounds of conversation and music seemed distant, and the guests turned into a haze enveloping this special woman. At that moment, the world revolved only around her and me, two strange acquaintances who were playing the game of fate.  "Doesn't she remember me?" - a thought flashed through my head.

The unexpected meeting with her made my heart beat faster. I couldn't believe she was standing right in front of me. She was as beautiful as before, only now she was even more confident and elegant. There, during her school years, she was a rebellious and freedom-loving girl, but now she has become a real lady.

The phone rang, which bring me back from my thoughts. Adam took the phone out of his pocket, and then, looking in my direction, he added: "I need to answer, I'm sorry." He gently released Kornelia's hand and went outside.

Albert also disappeared unnoticed. It was just the two of us . It seemed that all the people around us just gone. That she was the only one in front of me at the moment. The girl I once loved so much, and the girl I once foolishly lost.

I didn't know what to say to her, so I just kept looking at her. The tension was growing up with every second, and we both felt it.

Kornelia broke the silence "It's been a long time, hah?!"

"Thirteen years," - I said sharply. Kornelia just added "Yeah, I guess."

Silence reigned again, I wanted to say so much, but thoughts, feelings, words, everything got mixed up, so I just stood and looked at her, without a single word.

"I thought you didn't recognize me," - I said, trying to hide the disappointment in my voice.

"I don't want to complicate things. I thought it would be easier this way," - she said calmly.

I just felt a growing sense of anxiety, so I took a deep breath. I wanted to continue our conversation, I wanted to ask her so much, to discuss so much. I wanted to feel again what it was like to talk to her about anything , without pretense, without flattery. What it's like to be yourself next to her. But I didn't have time, because her fiance came up. But the main thing is I don't have any rights for this.

With a quick movement of his arm Adam hugged her around the waist, close her to him. Adam Zilon had an elegant appearance, with a neat beard and stylish thin-rimmed glasses. His gaze, hidden behind the lenses, was piercing and searching. At first, he watched me, giving me time to evaluate myself, and then politely extended his hand for a handshake, introducing himself. My terse response and handshake were more formal, but Adam Zilon didn't seem to notice it.

"Mr. Medson, I am sincerely grateful that you visited our gallery today," - Adam began, his voice soft and confident. "Your presence has meant a lot since you started sponsoring young artists. I have a couple of ideas about our possible cooperation, however, I think it's not worth overshadowing such a pleasant evening by talking about business. So let me invite you to dinner, where we can discuss everything in more detail."

In response to Adam's vague invitation, I just shrugged and said in monosyllables "I'll think about it." Adam expressed his gratitude, and after that we exchanged a few meaningless phrases.

After a short conversation, Adam and Kornelia left, leaving me alone with myself. I stood there and watched the couple walk away. A luxury car pulled up, Adam opened the door for his bride, and also gallantly gave her a hand to help her to get into the car. She only smiled slightly after him. Closing the door behind her, he went to the driver's seat.

I looked at Kornelia, and caught her looking at me. There was some kind of regret in her gaze, or that's what I thought. And then they just left.

At that moment, I clearly realized that I had lost her again. It's like in those 5 minutes together, we've lived our story all over again. And again I lost her, and again it hurt so much. I was overcome by a feeling of emptiness and loss.

That evening I decided to walk home. The frosty night wind caressed my face, as if reflecting my inner state. The rustle of leaves under my feet created a monotonous accompaniment to my thoughts.

My mind was filled with arguments and self-destructive thoughts. I couldn't change anything, and it tormented me. The walk got longer and longer, and I slowly inhaled the cold air, trying to get rid of the oppressive feeling.

The wind played with me, penetrating through my clothes and to my bones. At such moments, nature seemed so ruthless, as if reflecting my own terrible reality. "There is no place for me in her reality anymore," - I thought.


Thank you so much for finishing the first chapter. I really hope you like it.
I'm looking forward to see you in the next one!



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