Chapter 7: ..and back

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Dandy laid next to me naked. He panted heavy as did I. My still bleeding wrist had made quite a mess on his bed.
"Was that so bad?" He asks me in almost a joking tone.
"Bad?" I question. "You are a monster Dandy!"
"Don't call me that!" Dandy shouts.
Suddenly there's a gun shot.
"What the," I whisper.
The bedroom doors fling open and Jimmy is standing there splattered with blood.
"Let her go you pyschopath," Jimmy says in a firm voice.
"Make me," Dandy says with a chuckle.
He pulls out a gun.
"Dandy put that away! It's me that caused the issue not him!" I shout but I know it's no use.
"Of course it's because of him!" Dandy says pouting. "This dumb freak had to go and flirt with you before we even saw the show, and now he must die,"
He cocks the gun and points it at Jimmy.
"No!" I shout as I use all my night to kick my legs and hit him.
Dandy falls over and the shot hits the wall.
"Run!" I yell but Jimmy doesn't listen.
He kicks the gun out of Dandy's hand and begins beating him.
"Narcissistic....asshole...bastard..." Jimmy mumbles as he beats Dandy.
Dandy is gasping and begging for mercy.
"Please stop," he can barley say through his bloody mouth.
"Jimmy stop, please!" I say, but my vision is starting to go and my wrist is throbbing.
Jimmy killing Dandy wouldn't make everything he ever did wrong, right, and it defiantly wouldn't take away my pain.
Jimmy stands up and rushes over to me.
Although I'm partially naked, I'm not embarrassed.
"Oh god!" Jimmy's eyes fill with tears as he looks at my wrist. "You need a doctor,"
He wraps me in a blanket and picks me up.
Jimmy begins walking towards the door and I hear the wooden floor creak.
"I don't think so," I hear his voice.
It cuts worse than the razor. I cringe and Jimmy turns around. Dandy's gun is aimed at our bodies.
"Please...don't..." I say as a tear forms in my eye.
Boom. The sound of the gunshot is louder than I expected. I look around on my body but there is no wound and there is no pain. Maybe I'm dead.
Then I look up at dandy. His face shows distress and he begins collapsing to the floor. I turn around and see Dora holding a shot gun and breathing heavily.
"Oh thank you!" I run and hug her.
Jimmy then hugs me.
"I love you," he whispers to me.
"I love you too," I respond as he kisses my lips. He feels so good, so warm.
There is passion in our kiss not hurt.
I begin to feel dizzy and look at my wrist. Although my cut wasn't deep I have lost a good deal of blood.
I collapse to the floor.
"She needs a doctor now!" Dora exclaims.
Jimmy picks me up, but I don't see much before I black out.

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