Chapter 2: Man in the mirror

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I wake up and try standing up. My vision is blurred and I feel dizzy. I'm finally on my feet and I lose my balance. Looking over my shoulder I see Dandy is fast asleep in his bed. A tear begins forming in my eye as I remember the days we would lay in that bed together. I make my way to the bathroom and turn on the light. For a second, I'm in a trance. I look into the mirror and can't recognize the face I see. My left cheek has a bruise on it, and my lip is cut open. I feel my arms and notice three more bruises. It was one of Dandy's "bad nights" last night. When I first starting dating Dandy, he was loving and passionate. Lately he's been cold, harsh, and clearly abusive. The problem was I had no where to go and no one to tell. My parents had died in a car crash when I was only 11. I have been living with the Mott family ever since. Gloria, Dandy's mom, must have known this is what our relationship would turn into. I was disgusted. Absolutely sickened by the thought of that clueless woman not giving a shit about her son beating a girl every time he didn't get his way. I was so furious!
"Breakfast!" I hear Gloria yell and I know Dandy will be waking up.
"Coming mother!" Dandy yells from his bed.
I exit the bathroom and he greets me.
"Goodmorning love, sorry about last night.
You understand right?" Dandy says hugging me.
I pull away and begin walking towards the door. He gives me a look of irritation as he exits the room. I was just about done with this living hell of a relationship, but I don't even know where to go.

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