Chapter 5: The paradox

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Dandy grips my hand firmly and begins dragging me out of the tent.
"You idiot! Now I'm going to have kill that freak," Dandy says furiously.
"K-kill him?" I say the words choking in my throat.
Dandy's eyes are full of anger.
"Yes, he likes you. I can't have other guys liking you Alice!" He shouts in my face.
"What do you mean other guys? You don't like me Dandy! There is not other guys if there isn't even one guy to begin with! You treat me like shit and I'm sick of it!" I'm barely able to get out all my words through my tears.
Dandy slaps me in the face. I hit the ground, hard. I'm dizzy and I look over to my right. Jimmy is running towards Dandy. He rushes in and punches Dandy in the side of the jaw.
"Alice get up now get away from this monster!" Jimmy shouts helping me up.
"Jimmy run, get away from me!" I yell.
He looks at me confused but it's too late. Dandy is already up and begins punching Jimmy. But it's not just one, it's two and three and more and more.
"Dandy stop!" I scream. "Get off of him!"
I pull Dandy off Jimmy. I look down at him. My sweet Jimmy, lay lifeless on ground.
"We're leaving now," Dandy says firmly grabbing my wrist.
I pull away and bend down to touch Jimmy's face. I burst into tears.
"You monster, you monster!" I yell at Dandy.
He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. We begin walking back to his car where Gloria is already sitting.
I look back at Jimmy my head is a mess. He was a complete paradox to Dandy. Kind, helpful, patient, and..loving. Dandy throws me into the back seat of the car.
"Did you two enjoy yourselves?" Gloria asks.
"No, mother this was the worst day ever! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" Dandy begins yelling.
Gloria starts the car and we drive away.
I take one last look at Jimmy. He slowly begins standing up.
"Thank god," I whisper. He's alive.

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