Chapter 4: Spilt Lemonade

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"And finally that tent belongs to the owner of the freakshow, Miss Elsa Mars," Jimmy told me.
He had showed me everyone's tent and explained what they do in the freakshow. Jimmy was kind and had a great sense of humor.
"Thank you so much Jimmy! I had a wonderful time," I say hugging Jimmy.
"Not a problem, want to relax in my tent until the show begins?" He asks.
"Sure," I say with a smile.
I look around but, Dandy is no where to be seen. If he saw me with Jimmy he would freak out. I make my way into Jimmy's tent and sit on a chair.
"So tell me," I begin, "what's the best part of the show?"
He smirks and lets out a slight laugh.
"Well, I want to think myself but that's not true," as he says this his smile fades.
"Why do you do that? Demean yourself? You could be the best thing in the whole show and you wouldn't even take credit!" I yell.
"Woah settle down Alice, I didn't mean it like that." Jimmy says and comes over to comfort me.
I don't even know why I became so upset. After all he was just trying to be polite.
"Do you want some lemonade? You look parched," he asks.
"No I'm sorry, yes please," I reply.
He pours two glasses and begins bringing them over. Suddenly he trips over the corner of a table and spills both lemonade on me. He stands up, discombobulated, and immediately begins apologizing.
"Alice I'm so sorry let me help with that," he says reaching for my sweater.
I pull it off and my arms are completely exposed. Wanting to get the sticky liquid off my I completely forgot the purpose of the sweater. He stares at my bruises. We both sit in silence for a minute and then he begins, "Oh my goodness, Alice!"
"I really need to go" I say standing up.
"No please no!" Jimmy says reaching for my arm.
I turn and face him as my eyes begin to fill with tears. I want to explain everything to Jimmy. Tell him about Dandy and how he hits me until he's tired just so he can sleep at night. How he won't show me any kindness or respect for that matter, but all I can do is fall into Jimmy and hug him for what seems like forever. I begin sobbing and Jimmy rubs my back.
"It's okay beautiful" he speaks softly into my ear.
I regain control of my emtions and sit back down on the chair.
"Who did this to you?" He questions.
I look away. I do not want Jimmy involved with anything that has to do with the Mott family.
"Answer me!" He takes my face in his hands.
I open my mouth.
"What is this?" Dandy says from the opening of the tent.
"Dandy it's nothi-" I begin.
"Shut up you dumb girl!" He yells at me.
A tear begins rolling down my face. Jimmy pushes me behind him.
"You don't talk to her that way, ever," Jimmy says with a firm voice.
"Now you go home to your mansion on the hill," he says.
"You do not tell me what to do, not even my mother does that!" Dandy shouts.
I can tell he's breaking down into a full out temper tantrum. Jimmy turned around and looked me in the eyes. I didn't want Dandy to hurt Jimmy, I cared about him.
Dandy walks towards us, "Alice and I are in love," he says in a stern voice.
"No no no!" Jimmy shouts. "Tell me it's not true Alice!" He cries.
I swallow hard and force back my tears. I needed to save Jimmy get away from here.
"It's...true," I barely manage.
I walked over to Dandy and he wraps his arm around me. Jimmy looks at me, then Dandy, and then back at me.
"If he's the one who's been hurting you I swear-" Jimmy starts.
"Hurting her? Why would I hurt my precious love?" Dandy says in a fake happy tone.
Jimmy looks at me disapprovingly, but all I can do is stare at him helplessly.

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