It's about us. 12

13 0 0

"This love is ours"

Jade was released from the hospital, as Jade was hanging out with Madi at her house

--Madi's house--

"Wait you told the Dr that Marco and I were engaged?" Jade said smiling as she looks down blushing
"Yes! In order for Marco to see you. They were allowing family members go in, but I told the Dr Marco your fiance.. because the Dr also said you were asking for Marco. " Madi said with a smile
"Ahh, okay. I get it now. " Jade said
"Would you Marry Marco if he ask?" Madi asked with a smile looking at Jade
Jade smiles
"If he did. Yes." Jade said with a smile

Madi front door opened, It was Matt and Marco walking in

"What up!" Matt said messing with Madi hair
"Hey ladies. " Marco said throwing at pillow at Madi, kiss Jade on the lips sits next to her

"Thanks guys" Madi said laughing

Jade laughs, and kiss Marco back

"What were y'all doing?" Matt asked

"Girl talk and watching the Office." Madi spoke

"Interesting" Marco said raising his eyebrows and looks at Matt
Matt nodded and smile

Madi looks at them weird

"What y'all smiling at?" Jade asked weird oook at them both

"Ohh nothing, We were thinking if y'all want to go to the carnival?" Matt said

Madi and Jade looks at eachother and smiles

"I mean if y'all don't want to.." Marco said smiling as he got cut off

"Let's go!!" Madi and Jade said getting up, as Marco and Matt leave


Bumper cars
Madi and Jade Vs. Marco and Madi

Madi and Jade laughing as they bump into people trying to get Matt and Marco

As it finished we went to look at other rides, as I grab onto Marco's hand, he takes my hands and smiles

"In y'all face ladies!!" Matt said laughing, high fiving Marco
Marco laughs and high five Matt back
"What ride next?" Jade spoke laughing

"Oo that Scary roller coaster," Matt said pointing at the roller coaster

"You up for it babe?" Marco asked Jade
Jade breathes and smiles

"Let's do this!" Jade said smiling as she grabs Marco hand

Marco smiles, brings Jade indo a hug once they were standing in line

"I hope this ride good as it seems for the long line" Madi said

"Me too Sis.." Matt said to her
Madi nodded, as she looks at Jade
"After let's get something to eat" Madi said to Jade with a smile
"Yes!" Jade said with a smile, holding onto Marco hand
-After the roller coaster, we went to get carnival food. We went to sit on at the booth they had-

"The ride as alright." Matt said eating a turkey leg
"It isn't as great as six flags." Madi said eating some nachos
Jade nods her head and smiles
"It wasn't too scary as people said it was" Marco said eating a turkey leg too
"Well, It was a 6/10 for me" Jade said drinking a soda
"We should walk around and play games"Matt spoke
"Yeah, good idea! I don't think I can deal with a ride at the moment" Madi said pointing at the food
"I'm with Madi on that" Jade said laughing
"At least we all went on rides before we ate" Marco spoke
We all nodded
--Next day--
//With the Rodguez Men\\
"So did she get locked up?"Daniel said to his brothers
"Yeah she did."Matt spoke
"Sorry Bro for having you trained a crazy. I didn't know she liked you or what not. "Daniel said looking at Marco
Marco shakes his head
"You're good bro, You couldn't possibly known. I didn't know till Matt said he heard the guys saying that. I didn't believe it. "Marco said patting his brother Daniel back
Daniel smiles
"So is she gonna move in with you or not?" Matt asked
Marco and Daniel laughs
"Matt,We barley started dating. She stays the night on weekends. " Marco said with a smile
"That's a sign." Matt said laughing

Marco shakes his head and smiles
"Back me up bro. Was it a sign when Lily stayed over?" Matt said asking Daniel

"When she left her clothes over. Yes!" Daniel said laughing

"Wait does she?" Matt asked looking at Marco

Marco smiles
"She does!!" Matt and Daniel said with a smile

"Does she have her space in your closet? And some clothes in the dresser?" Daniel asked

"Yes." Marco said laughing

"It's a sign!!!" Matt said with a smile

"Almost time for " Daniel said as he hums the wedding theme

Marco and Matt laughs

"I do Marco!" Matt said acting like Jade looking at Marco

Marco push Matt

"Matt!" Marco said laughing

Daniel and Matt laughs

"We just Love you bro. We are really glad she bring you out and got you smiling" Matt spoke

"Thanks guys." Marco said with a smile

-Later on with Marco and Jade-
"Babygirl?" Marco said as he was siting on the sofa watching the basketball game
"Yes?" Jade said as she walks to the living room
"What you doing?" Marco asked looking at Jade
"I was cleaning the bathroom, did you need something?" Jade asked with a smile

Jade dog jumps on the sofa,lay next to Marco
"Are you done yet? So you can sit next to me." Marco asked with a smile
"Yes" Jade said as she left to put stuff away, cleans her hands and sat next to Marco
"Who's playing?" Jade asked as she smiles at Marco
Marco smiles, put his arm around Jade
"Miami heat vs the spurs" Marco said as he kisses Jade
Jade kisses back

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