Almost lost her. 11

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-With Jade-
Jade's POV//
Maybe Marco told her something and I didn't wait to see. But It hurt seeing him not doing anything. Maybe he didn't expect her to do that. My phone kept ringing. It was Marco. A tear rolled down, as I messaged him

Jade: I'll meet you at your place.
Marco: Okay Babygirl. Be careful please.
-At Marco's house-
Marco's pov//
I can't believe I didn't move away when I had the chance. To show her I was hers and show Ronnie I was taken. I felt so stupid for not moving away. I never showed any flirtness towards Ronnie. As I reached home, I turned the lights on. And went to change as I was scared I was going to lose Jade. As soon as I walked into the kitchen the doorbell rang. I opened the door it was Jade. Gosh she's breath taken.

"Hey Babygirl" Marco spoke
"Hey." Jade said with a smile
"Come in." Marco said with a smile
Jade walks in,Sits on his sofa
"So.." Marco and Jade both said, as they laugh
"You first." Jade said with a smile
"Babe, I had to train her. I didn't expect her to kiss my cheek. Yes, I should've moved away. But I didn't because I didn't expect her to do that. I didn't. It's the truth. I don't want to lose you. " Marco said looking at Jade with watery eyes
Jade put her hands on Marco's cheek, wipe he's tears and got in front of him, as Marco puts his arms around Jade
"You will Never lose me." Jade said as she looking into his Green eyes, Marco looks into her hazel eyes
They both kiss, as he held onto Jade, they kept kissing
-Next day-

Jade and Marco were off today, They are at Marco's house

Jade smiles and hugs Marco, marco laughs hugging her

"Do you want to stay in bed all day?" Jade asked with a smile

"I do,with you" Marco spoke kissing her

Jade smiles and kisses back

"I don't mind " Jade said

Marco's pov//
We stayed in bed watching Movies, and talked and laugh. Spending time was her was amazing. Just her and I. Holding her in my arms felt like I was dreaming. Like is she actually here? But feeling her close felt real. Today was are only day off. I don't want to ruin this moment.

-At the Undercover building -
"Have you seen Marco?" Ronnie asked someone as she sees his office door locked
"He's off today." Alex said walking away
"What you need?"Matt asked seeing Ronnie by Marco's office
"I need to speak to him." Ronnie said
Matt laughs
"About?" Matt said

Ronnie sights
"I need help on this he coming in later?" Ronnie said

Matt looks at Ronnie
"He's off, and he's with his girlfriend.Whatever your doing stop. "Matt said
Ronnie laughs
"I don't care, What I want is him." Ronnie said leaving
Matt shakes his head calls Marco
-With Marco-
Marco pov\\
Jade had fell asleep on my chest, Holding onto me. As I heard the phone ring, Grabs it and Answer
Marco:Hey Matt! Everything ok?
Matt:Kinda, Sorry for instructing y'all.
Marco: Nah you're good. She's asleep. What's up?
Matt: Ronnie bro. She was by your office looking for. I told her to stop that you have a girlfriend. But she said she doesn't care, she wants you.
Marco: What the fuck! She's crazy. Is there anything for her to leave the force and transfer somewhere else?
Matt: Not sure,I'll let Dad know. Talk to you later.
Marco: Alright. Stay Safe bro.
Matt: Ya'll too.
They both said bye and hanged up
Marco pov still
This girl at work is crazy, I didn't even show her anything, she's crazy. I held onto Jade as she woke up
"Hey." Jade spoke
"Hey Babygirl. Nice nap?" Marco asked as he smiles
"Yeah, Did you take one?"Jade asked looking at him
"No, Matt had called me." Marco said
"Hmm, Is everything ok?"Jade asked
"Kinda, He said that girl was looking for me. Matt told her I have a girlfriend. And she said she doesn't care."Marco said
Jade stayed quite for a while
"Babe?"Marco said
"She sounds crazy." Jade finally said
Marco nods his head 'yes'
"She does, seems like you need to show up at my office." Marco said smiling
Jade laughs
"Okay, I will." Jade said smiling
Marco smiles and kisses Jade, Jade kisses back
-Next day-
Jade's outfit

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