Never Talk to Them Again

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They are finally able to sit in the corner area near the kitchen.

It was a noisy lunch time and there were a lot of customers. If you want to dine in a quieter area, you have to save a private room like what Jonas did but at peak hours like this, the price of reserving a private room is double or even triple, and you will still be able to use it for at most an hour. And if a noble man comes and wants to take your room, you even.have to move.

Ereo doesn’t have enough money to get a private room and Claus doesn’t care where they eat. He is used to people fawning around him that noise like this doesn’t bother him anymore. He stares at Ereo as he sits down. When he flips the two pages menu. When he asks the waiter to take the order and when he drinks the water on the cup.

“Claus, are you alright? You have been very quiet since we sat down~ Do you want another minute to look at the menu?”

Claus shakes his head.

“Large bowl of noodle soup, stir fry green leaves, crayfish on coconut and 4 steam white rice.”

He gives the menu to the waiter then stares at Ereo again who becomes flustered.

He also ordered a lot of stuff like half roasted chicken,dumplings,steamed garlic shrimps and rice. 

He doesn’t think he can afford all of that.

Claus saw his flustered expression and frown. He wasn't paying attention, did he order too much?

After the server left, he whispered to him.

“I’ll pay this time. I am not paying attention and ordered a lot.”

“No I….” He shakes his head. He wanted to say it wasn’t Claus' fault but he was lost in Claus' eyes. Staring at him this close. The room is filled with people who are all noisy chattering and the utensils clattering but at that moment it was too quiet in his own world. Claus only stared at him.

And he can only stare back at him.

The trembling pounding of his heart is so loud that he feels it is the only noise in the world.

“Here is your order.” 

Ereo and Claus flinched and they were startled with the waiter. 

“I’m sorry it takes a long time. There are a lot of guests right now.” The waiter apologized.

‘It takes a while? How long have I been just staring at Claus? But wait…Claus is also staring at me that long? Or am I hallucinating?’

He looks down and the hand on the table where his hand is below Claus' hand.


He can’t raise his head as he stares at the steamed rice. The steam is going up to his face but he can’t move. The hand on top of his hand…..Claus!! Do you understand what you are doing? Do you understand you are holding my hand in an ambiguous way?

He was happy.

He was flustered but he is happy. Only he doesn’t know how to confront this emotion. Should he ask if he likes him too?

He slowly raises his head but Claus moves and takes back his hand.

“I didn’t notice my hand move on its own. Are you uncomfortable?”

Claus asks.

Ereo felt like the beautiful world turned gray. But he is still in front of Claus so he tries to remain smiling.

“Oh…ohh? I didn’t notice. Whaaat, you are holding my hand? I didn’t notice haha.haha.”

“We ordered so much steamed rice.” Claus scratches his cheek. He didn’t notice when Ereo ordered. He should pay attention. He felt bad.

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