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“Urgh…I’m too full.” Ereo rubs his tummy.

Claus is in a bad mood but he refrain from showing it. But Ereo knows he is in a bad mood. Actually, everyone can tell. He has this solemn cold frown in his forehead. And he hasn’t said a thing for awhile now.

“I invited you but you ended up paying.” Ereo felt bad.

Claus' cold face eases a bit.

“It’s alright. I messed up anyway. I ordered too much after you ordered for both of us.”

“No no. It was my fault. I invited you so I should allow you to pick first.” Ereo smiles seeing Claus' happier expression.

“Also…um…I want you to take this.”

Ereo gave him the basket.

Claus was startled.

He saw Eros holding a basket that is the same as Ereo. He has been glaring at it and wondering if it was Ereo who gave Eros the basket or was it Eros who gave it to him? And why won’t he just throw it away?

He thought Ereo wouldn't notice he left it in the restaurant and felt better but Ereo didn’t forget it so he is in an even more foul mood but it was actually for him?

‘Did he give this to me after he gave one to Eros?’

“What is this?” He asks.

“Didn’t I tell you ... .I will let you taste the first batch of the food I made?” Ereo shyly said.

“Oh… Is this the same sweet as the one you gave to Eros and Jonas?” 

“Yeah…” he fake coughs. “It’s just…a little more special with your share.” He blushes as he acts cute in front of him.

Claus smiles.


Ereo smiles seeing his good mood is back.

“Do you like sweets?”

“Hm..I do. I am not actually a picky eater.”

Claus puts the basket he is carrying down.

“I also brought you the fruits I promised you last night.”

“Oh?” Ereo was flattered.

He looks at the basket but also secretly looks at Claus' muscular arm and shoulder.

Claus looks back and sees Ereo staring at him intently.


Ereo looks away as if burned.

“Ah..ah? What? Yes. I love them.”

“You haven’t even looked yet.”

Ereo blushes.

“I still love them.” He whispers but enough for Claus to hear.

Claus felt his ears and cheek warm.




“I’ll send you home.” Claus said.

“Thanks. I will meet your brothers on the foot of the mountain afterward. We have to finalize our contract.”

Claus takes a deep breath.


Ereo looks at him with a grin.

“Did I ask for your permission?” He giggles and pokes his arm.

Gaming For Loots in Ancient EraWhere stories live. Discover now