My Popular Crush

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“Uh…” Ereo wipes his chin. The sweat on his head slides down his chin.

He looks at the rows and rows of land he is preparing for planting.

He was transmigrated in this world a while ago.

The original owner of this body  is a peasant man of marriageable age but he is still a bachelor because his fiancee runs away with another man resulting in his depression and ends up killing himself.

You will wonder why a man in ancient times, who was said to be superior to women, would kill himself after being greenhat when he can easily replace her?

First, it wasn’t that easy to find a good partner.

Second, the invested feeling for being engaged and promised from a young age before marriage.

Third and the most crucial was that this man gave that woman all his money he had all his life the night before the marriage to show his sincerity but was still left behind.

The shock and shame of being played at is enough for the man to drown himself in alcohol and kill himself by jumping in a cold river.

“I can’t keep this up.”

He looks at his status bar.

His system : Mini Games came with him when he transmigrated. Once he was able to open this game,he could change his life anywhere he was.

But the loading time is just too long. 

Ereo is not really afraid of hardship. But for someone who has never worked with farming all his life, he just can’t enjoy this lifestyle.

Ereo keeps walking with his head down to avoid people from talking to him. He doesn’t know many people and it seems the original Ereo was a quiet man.

But hearing heavy steps in front of him made him lift his chin and their eyes met.


He smiles automatically.

“Are you going back already?” Claus asks.

He nods like an animated chicken pecking rice.

He has a crush with Claus. First, he is very handsome and manly. 

And he is the man who ‘scoops’ him from the cold water when he is transmigrating and he enters the already dead body of Ereo.

If not for Claus, even he would have died with the real Ereo that day.

“Okay.” Claus wants to walk past him but he grabs his hand.

Claus flinched and not accustomed to close proximity, he shakes his hand away.

Ereo will lie if he doesn’t feel hurt with the blunt rejection but even he would get mad if someone suddenly grabs his hand.

“How about staying at my house for dinner?”

“I don’t think it was appropriate.”

Claus frowns.

Ereo loses his parents when he was young but he has two younger sisters. One is 12 and the other is 9.

If Ereo truly died, those two sisters' fate wouldn’t be so good. They don’t even have other relatives who are good to them to lend a hand. 

Ereo was only 16 himself.

Claus is a hunter and a hunter’s son. They live deep in the mountains and often trade with the nearby villagers, not only to their village.

He heard Claus has two handsome sisters and three other brothers who all lived in the mountain…like mountain bandits.

Gaming For Loots in Ancient EraWhere stories live. Discover now