Chapter Eight

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"W-what fish?"

"The angelfish from Friendly Scales pet store," the man says.


"It seems there was a mix-up, and you received our fish."

I force a high-pitched laugh. "It's only a fish. Why do you need that one?"

"That's none of your concern. Now where is it?"

"I gave it to someone."


"That's none of your concern."

In one fluid motion, the man steps to my side. Cold metal presses into my temple. My throat constricts with tears, and my face screws up, trying not to cry. "It's certainly a concern of yours. Tell me where the fish is, or I take your phone, track down your contacts one by one, and search houses until I find which one has it."

"It's only a fish!" I cry, though I know it's not true. No fish tank should pulse with electricity.

Why the heck was it pulsing with electricity?

"You have one minute to tell me where the fish is." The gun clicks in my ear.

"I-I'll get it for you! Please, I'll bring you the fish."

"You don't think I'd be stupid enough to fall for that."

"Look, I don't care about who has the fish." Tears roll down my cheeks. "I couldn't care less who has the fish. But please, let me get it. It's in a place no one but me can get to."

"Oh, really? And why's that?"

"It died." My brain spins faster and faster, trying to maneuver this conversation so that he doesn't pull the trigger.

"And you buried it?"

"No. I couldn't. You see, it was supposed to be a special present to a fr— someone I know, and I've been trying to figure how I can break the news to them that it died."

"If it were a present, why would your friend need to know that it died?" The man sounds bored now, edging on annoyed.

"Because they asked me to buy them this particular fish as a present."

"This particular fish? Serial number and all?"

"Well... no. She just saw it in the store and thought it was pretty."

"She," the man mutters. I want to slap myself. I've been trying to keep this mysterious person I speak of as anonymous as possible. Otherwise, he might somehow go after Saige if he gets a hold of my phone.

I swallow. "Look, I promise to retrieve it and bring it back to you. If I don't return in four hours, you can kill me."

"How can I kill you if you don't return?"

"If you managed to track down a random customer's apartment, I have full faith that you can track me down, even if I were to run."

The man doesn't respond.

"No one but me can access the place where the fish is located. I get that you're not adverse to risk since you just ever-so-skillfully broke into my apartment, but the chances of getting caught are much greater in the new location. The fish is of no benefit to you if you get caught."

Still no response.

"And like I said, I have full faith that you can track me down if I don't return."

"Why four hours?" the man finally asks.

"I have to get there and back, don't I?"

"The place is two hours away?"

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