Chapter 2 - And If You See Her, Tell Her it's Over Now

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a/n: this chapter is mostly about y/n. no spence in this one :( BUT DONT WORRY. there's more....

Spencer doesn't come in the next day. He doesn't come in the next day, either. Or the next day, or the next day, or the next day. Every morning I wait to see his little red sedan pull into the side parking lot. Every morning I am disappointed.

The next month is the most boring month I have ever lived. Even though I only met Spencer through circumstance, he really feels like an important part of my life. He's part of my routine. I find myself staring out the window, waiting for him, and he's never there. I start to get a cramp in my neck from how often I crane it towards the door of the theater. I think I miss lone movie guy.

I clock out for the day around 9PM, waving goodbye to DJ and my other coworker, Brooklyn. As I step out into the dying sunlight, a breeze hits my arms and I shiver. I walk to my car and when I look down at my feet, I suddenly realize how tired I actually am. I just want to go home and watch a movie with Courtney.

On my drive home, I think about how much I really love my roommate Courtney. Ever since I moved to LA after college 3 years ago, they were the only one to welcome me. I moved in with them for convenience, and I assumed that's all it would be. Roommates, just to make the rent a little lower. The more I think about it, the more I realize they really are my best friend.

While I'm driving and jamming to my favorite Weezer album, I look over at my bag and realize I totally forgot to hang my apron back up. I sigh, and make a mental note that Court is definitely coming with me to bring it back to the theater.

"What up, Miller?" I shout walking through the door of our apartment. I set my keys on the shelf we leave in the doorway, and kick off my shoes. Our cat, Grover, runs over and meows at me, asking for a snack.

"What UPPPP Y/n????!!! I brought home some In N' Out for you, and there are SIX horror movies queued up on the TV." They pull me into a hug. I smile, relief running through my body. Yeah, they're definitely my best friend.

"Thank you Court. I love you for that." I set my bag down by my bedroom door. "Hey, before we sit down, I forgot to put my apron back. Wanna drive with me back to the theater?" I ask absentmindedly, while shaking out some treats for Grover.

"Um, hell YES I do! I've been stuck in the studio all day!" I slide on my slippers and giggle at their excited energy. Courtney works at a company called Smosh. It's a youtube channel that was created by these two friends, but I have no idea what their names are. They do comedy sketches, and Courtney is pretty funny, so it fits for them. They love it there, even though I've never seen any of the videos.

As soon as we get into the car, Courtney puts on their music, which I don't mind. Their music taste is really accurate to their personality, just like mine is. "Late Night Talking" by Harry Styles blasts in my ears as I pull out of our apartment complex. We sing along to every word, laughing and having fun. We barely notice the fire trucks heading in the same direction we are.

I pull up to the theater with my mouth hanging open in a gasp. Courtney shut the music off, their face locked in the same expression. Tears fill my eyes as I look onto my beloved movie theater. It's completely engulfed in flames. The last 2 years of my life, burning to the ground. The fire trucks from earlier are parked by the front door, spraying their hoses on the roof. Ambulances are parked near the left side, where my counter is supposed to be.

I immediately grab my phone and call DJ.  He and Brooklyn have to be safe. I hit "Call" on his contact and beg for him to answer, a tear rolling down my cheek.

"Hello?" DJ answers, and I sigh with relief. He sounds like he's just woken up. "DJ! Thank God. Are you okay? Did you see the theater?"

He grunts, and it sounds like he's standing up. "No, I dropped Brooklyn off right after you left, and now I'm home. What's up? Why are you calling me?"

"The theater is on fire, DJ." I'm sobbing now. I know it's dumb to cry, but the theater was my favorite job I've ever had. Courtney rubs their hand on my shoulder to comfort me.

"Holy shit, what? Is everyone okay?" I scan the scene for anyone I recognize. Specifically, our manager Cole, who usually spends late hours working. "I don't see Cole. I don't see anyone else. I'm gonna ask the firefighters if they found anyone, and I'll text you."

DJ and I hang up. I look at Courtney, and they nod, encouraging me to go check on my friends. "Hello sir," I start frantically. "did everyone get out okay? I know Cole works late hours sometimes-" "Ma'am, this is not the business of the public. We're going to have to ask you to leave." He brushes me off.

"This is where I work! My friends are in there!" I shout, tears forming again. "Did everyone get out okay?"

He turns to me again, suddenly sympathetic. "I'm sorry ma'am. We got everyone out, but I don't think we'll be able to repair any of the damage to the building. Looks like you don't work here anymore."

I sob, suddenly feeling a hand on my shoulder. Courtney had gotten out of the car to comfort me. "Why don't we go home, y/n? Being here won't make the fire go out."

We drive home, except this time there isn't any music. When we get home, we sit on the couch with our In N' Out burgers and watch The Shining. I am barely paying attention. I'm focused on my job.

"What am I going to do now?" I ask. "I don't have a job anymore, and there's not much you can do with an Arts degree."

"You know," Courtney says mischievously, "there's an audition spot open at Smosh. Knowing you, you'd kill it there, and everyone would like you. I can put in a good word." They take a bite of their burger while I ponder on what to say.

"I'm not sure I could be on camera, though. Do you think they'd let me be an editor?" Court thinks for a second. "Ian would probably let you have a trial period, where sometimes you're on camera and they also let you edit. That's what they did with me in the beginning."

This idea is starting to sound better and better.


Courtney calls her boss, Ian, and before I know it I have landed an audition. A force inside me, almost like a string tied to my heart, tells me that this is a good decision.

Oh my god. I am going to work at Smosh.

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