choso kamo✿(biker au)

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You worked a near by convenience store to save up some money for yourself, there was always a biker gang hanging out by there and, one of the bikers, the one with the black hair and black eyes was also your next door neighbour, choso he barely talks to anyone in the neighbourhood and half of the time is out of his house. While you were just setting up one of the empty stock shelf's you heard some guys enter and when you returned to the cash counter since suprisingly your co-worker was sick, it was choso and his friends along with his little brother yuuji. The guys didn't want anything so they went out while yuuji was grabbing chips choso came to the cash counter.

He put a cigarette packet on the counter not saying anything "is that all?" You asked and he shook his head no since he had to pay for itadori was very awkward. "when does your shift get over?" He asked randomly out of nowhere, "in about an hour or so" you reply back he nodded then looked around to make sure itadori wasn't there "I'll come back in a hour then, let's mabye get ice cream?" He suggested hoping you'd say yes to which you happily nodded and tried not to scream with excitement and just when you were are about to say something itadori popped out of nowhere and put the snacks down which choso paid for and left a 30$ tip, yuuji happily went satisfied with the snacks his older brother bought him.

At exactly 8pm your shift was over and choso was also already here with his bike and you haven't been on once since you were 7 and it's been quiet alot of time since then because now you were in university, while you grabbed your things and locked up the doors he was just staring at you, when you came out he offered you a helmet which he helped you put on "if it doesn't feel comfortable tell me I'll fix it or i can call us a cab if you aren't uncomfortable" he said in his usual deep voice, he just cared for your comfort but you didn't mind so that made him glad.

He waited for you to sit down before starting the bike and purposely making it make some noise before starting to drive but before that "hug me tightly i don't want you to fall" he said guiding your hand to his waist, and you were having a heart attack but you kept your cool while also having anxiety so you clutched into him tightly.

When you both arrive after ice cream parlour he opened the seat for you before letting you sit, when the waiter came you both ordered, "this is really good." You said eating your ice cream while he ate slowly since he was too busy listening to you talk, "you got a little something on your cheek" he said before moving closer to wipe the ice cream of your cheek, "oh thanks.." you were a little flustered he just smiled gently and paid before walking you out and opening the door for you

He drove you home it was about 8:47pm and he knew you had a curfew so he wanted to make a good impression on your parents by getting you home on time and not even a minute late and luckily he arrived just on 8:59pm and came with you to the door

"Where did- oh hello this who you went out with?" Your mom who was about to scold you for not telling her stopped when she noticed choso and put on a smile as if she wants just about to roast you "come in for dinner" your mom said practically dragging choso in "no no ma'am itd quite alright-"  choso waved his arms around as he tried to say no but got cut off by your mother, "no please i insist come eat i can't let you go home empty stomach" your mom said making him sit down at the table with you both your dad was at work so choso was alive for now..

"Let's go on dinner next time?" Choso asked as he stood at the doorstep ready to leave since it had gotten quite late because your mother wouldn't let him leave without asking him about his entire life first "..only if there is ice cream" you said making him roll his eyes playfully "yea yea sure" he said before walking away waving to you as you waved back and shut the door and running up to your room to scream in the pillow..


Thank you for reading, sorry for being dead for so long. I try to update but I have papers every month so its hard😭

Sorry for any spelling errors English isn't my first language 🙏🏼

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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