Jacob: I don't think I'll die before you, Yoongi. I killed your parents and now I think your beloved wife will be the next person. What do you think?

Jacob smirked as he could feel Yoongi grinding his teeth. At this ppint Yoongi could literally kill Jacob in an instant. But he wanted to wait for the right moment.

Yoongi: You dare to lay a finger on my wife and I'll fucking chop your fingers off and feed it to your son.

Jacob: You want your wife safe? Then come at my territory tomorrow at 7pm with your property papers, signed off to me and take your wife. If you try to pull something, I won't let it slide, Yoongi.

Yoongi: Get near my wife, and I'll fucking bury you alive.


Jin: You look mad.

Yoongi: Because I fucking am!

Jhope: Come on, hyung. You know Jacob is using Y/N's name on purpose to trigger you.

Sitting in Namjoon's office, Yoongi shrugged his shoulders and said....

Yoongi: Well, he's succeeding in that.

Four of the members' assistants were present as well. Namjoon checked few of the weapon documents while Jin scrolled through his phone for any emails he missed out. Jhope sat beside Yoongi with two black cases. He unlocked the the cases, revealing two new pistols with bullets and silencers. Jhope's eyes sparkled the moment his eyes laid on the guns and later on a smirk appeared on his face.

Namjoon: The weapons are ready to be used. What's the plan?

Namjoon asked closing the file before setting it on the coffee table. Everyone had a serious expression lingered on their faces as everyone on the room looked at Yoongi, waiting to hear him out, his plan.

Yoongi: He wants the property papers. Tomorrow, 7pm, his place. I have to give the papers and he'll give me Y/N. But that won't be happening. He won't stop there. I want Namjoon to help cover me up tomorrow.

Jin: I already arranged the fake property papers.

Jhope: And I kidnapped Jacob's lawyer.

Jhope said, clapping his hands as his assistant dragged a guy in the room. His dress was ripped and dirty due to the beatings he received and his mouth was taped so that he couldn't scream. His hands were cuffed and he was in pain.

Yoongi nodded his head at his assistant, making him remove the tape.

Yoongi: Do you know why you're here, Ben?

Ben: Let me go! I'll not help you in anything!

Yoongi: That was not the answer to my question.

Yoongi's assistant punched Ben, making him groan as blood splattered or from his mouth.

Ben: Please, Yoongi.... I'm begging you. Let me go....

Yoongi: Only when you do my work. I'll even consider not to kill you.

Ben: Jacob will definitely kill me even of you don't do it.

Yoongi: He will.... But only if he stays alive.

Ben: Please, I have a family.

Yoongi: Do you know what I do to people who don't listen to me and moreover annoys me? I make them beg for death.

Ben: What do you want from me?

Yoongi: Very simple. The moment Jacob tells you to check my "false" property papers, I want you to tell him they're real. If Jacob suspects, then you'll pay. So, will you do as I say or die? Is it yes or yes?

Ben: What if I say no?

Yoongi: I don't take "no" for an answer. Also, you already know what I'm capable of and what I can do to you and your family.

Ben: F-fine... I'll do as y-you say just don't hurt my family. My wife is pregnant.

Yoongi: Oh what a coincidence! Mine is too. You help me keep my baby and wife safe and I'll do the same with yours. Win win, eh?

Ben: O-okay. Fine alright.

Yoongi: Good. Get Ben cleaned.

Yoongi ordered as his assistant and Jin's assistant took him away.

Jin: Now, you and Namjoon are going together tomorrow, right? Jhope and I will try hacking into Jacob's real estates and capture them. Make sure to take guards along with you. They'll maintain a proper distance and stay hidden. When you attack, they'll come eventually.

Signalling at the guns, Jin said....

Jin: These guns are the new advanced ones. There are total four. The other two are in Namjoon's car. Each of you will have two. These are designed in a very unique way. Jhope made them like that.

Jhope: True that. It's more easier to use and the bullets are  . 500 S&W Magnum which are the most deadliest bullets of all time. Make sure to use it carefully.

Namjoon: So summarizing everything, Yoongi and I with our men, 7pm sharp at Jacob's place. What are we going to do with Jacobs properties?

Yoongi: Have half of them to invest and the other half to the orphanage.

Jhope: I have bribed one of Jacob's spies and he knows everything about how many properties Jacob has in Korea and Russia. It'll be a piece of cake.

Yoongi: Let's get ready for tomorrow.

To be continued

A/N: This story is coming to an end soon😭

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