CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX: Hyori vs. Hanako

Start from the beginning

"The tables turned pretty quickly," the Tsuchikage commented. "Those girls are pretty entertaining." The Third Hokage looked for a moment at Oonoki to find him staring intently at the Uchiha girl with his eyes narrowed.

"Possibly," Hiruzen commented as he turned back to the arena and observed the Senju girl trying to stand up after the beating she just received inside the cloud of smoke.

"That's enough, Hyori," Hanako said as she stared at the Senju who had trouble even standing properly. "Let's leave it like that."

"No." Hyori straightened up and looked at her determinedly. "I haven't lost yet." She made yet another seal with her hands. "Mokuton no Jutsu!" Wooden pillars emerged from all the ground that even the proctor had to dodge.

"Why do you continue?!" Hanako inquired, standing over one of the pillars. Hyori stood in the pillar in front of her.

"I don't want to lose to you." The Senju was so determined, it made Hanako tighten her hands into fists. "People always talk about the Uchiha Clan being one of the strongest clans in Konoha...but what happened to the Senju? Did everyone forget about the Uchiha's longtime rivals?" Hyori shook her head. "I want to fight for my clan, and I want to defeat you, Hanako Uchiha." At that moment, she made some hand seals and attacked the Uchiha with wooden stakes. Hanako pulled out a kunai and surrounded it with wind style chakra, using it to cut through the wood and jump down to the ground. "Why aren't you using your Sharingan?! Are you underestimating me as well?!" The Uchiha sighed at that and shook her head.

"No. I constantly use up chakra when I have it activated since my body molds a lot to be able to keep up with my opponent. Although I haven't used too much chakra, I have no way of assuring how much time this fight could take, so it's better not to waste it," Hanako said with a shrug. 'Besides,' she thought while looking sideways at Isao, 'I need to save my chakra. According to Obito, Iwagakure plans to attack after the Chuunin Exam is over and everyone lets their guard down.'

'This kid...' Hayate narrowed his eyes while looking at the Uchiha. 'It's more than obvious that she has experience in a real fight, something that no Genin should have yet. Plus, a normal Genin shouldn't be able to handle an attack like that as if nothing. Just who is this girl?'

"Unlike you, Hyori," Hanako continued. "I don't use my chakra in useless techniques trying to hit my opponent. You should stop and think if it'll work before wasting your energy imprudently." She frowned. "In a mission, not only your life will be at stake but your comrades' as well. The probabilities of a jutsu working depend on a good strategy. And for that there are various factors that you must analyze." Hanako's eyes softened for a moment. "Hyori, I don't need to have my Sharingan activated to see that you're already out of chakra. You're at your limit, the battle is over."

"You're wrong...This is barely the beginning!" Hyori launched herself at Hanako again but suddenly felt dizzy in midair and felt as if all her energy was being sucked out of her. Hanako noticed this and caught her before she could get hurt.

"I told you, stop it." Hanako sighed tiredly. "If you don't want to, then I'll have to—" she started saying as she slowly lifted her hand but the Senju stopped her, gaining her attention.

"Don't." She did her best to stand up and face the girl with the little strength she had left. "We will finish this battle until one of us loses consciousness."

Hanako stared at her and smiled softly, closing her eyes. "Fine."

Hayate suddenly stood in the middle of the two girls and extended his arms towards them, pushing them away from each other. "I think it is enough."

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