Chapter 1 - The Lost Son

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Blue Soul's last memory was a lot of growling, moaning, fighting, and blood.

He was driven to watch his father, Cobra, being murdered by a scarred brown wolf with evil-looking red eyes.

And his mother was killed by human hunters a long time ago.

He was all lonely.

The shadows beyond the clearing shifted, and a cool breeze blew through the treetops. Blue Soul flinched at the rustle of the trees.

"Who's there?" He called. No one answered.

Suddenly, an owl swooped overhead, scaring the young wolf out of his wits. Letting out an "Ooooh! Woooh" sound, the bird flapped its wings and circled Blue Soul for a moment. Blue Soul blinked and looked up as it flew away, leaving a dusty white-and-brown feather at the young wolf's paws.

What? The gray wolf cocked his head to one side, curious despite his grief for his dead family. An owl? Flying through the sky at noon? Eyes wide, he stared down at the feather.

It was the size of his paw.

A gray image of a wolf's head appeared on the feather. As Blue Soul watched in awe, a pair of blue eyes glowed from the image of a wolf's head.

Beware of your soft heart, cub. A voice echoed in his head. Blue Soul yelped in surprise and exclaimed, "Wh-who are you?"

Why, don't you know who I am? The voice laughed. I am Berserkthe terror of all forest wolves of all time.

"I-I have heard of your stories!" Blue Soul stammered. "B-but, aren't you already dead?"

Of course, I am dead. Berserk snapped. But I have come to help you. Gaining power, plotting revenge, or even taking over the forest as king.

"You're crazy!" Blue Soul muttered. "You are wild and evil. I am peaceful and good."

So that's why I am here to train you, my boy. Berserk said smoothly.

"Which I don't want. Now get out of my head!" The young wolf whimpered. "And don't call me 'my boy'; I am not!"

Unteachable. Berserk sounded irritable. You are already scarified like this, on your body and in your heart. Don't you ever want to revenge?

"N-no, I don't." Blue Soul protested, though in his heart, he knew the ghost of the ancient wolf had convinced him a little.

See? Berserk growled, as if reading his mind. Your father will be proud of you. So will your mother.

"They will not." He mumbled dryly. "They will think I am nuts."

Nuts you are, not believing my word. The ghost returned.

Blue Soul was about to make some retort when he suddenly thought of something important. "How did you find me? And how did you know my life experience?"

Poor child. Berserk muttered. I am the spirit of all time and all evil, savage wolves. Of course, I will know if anyone's in need. Anyway, talk about something other than this. This is nothing important.

"It is!" Blue Soul said, only to be interrupted by Berserk's howl. Your senses are weak. We are being watched.

"What do you mean by 'we'?" He glared at the sky, as if the evil wolf was somewhere up there.

Beware! Berserk repeated. Always look behind you.

And he became silent.

Blue Soul looked around, bewildered. "How did he know?" he thought out loud. A rustle behind him.

Eyes widening, he turned around. Two pairs of golden eyes were staring at him."W-who's there!" he called, fur bristling a little.

"Oops, guess we're noticed." a voice grumbled.

Together, two wolves approached. "I am Viper's Hiss." the misty-gray wolf introduced. "And this is my younger brother, Rumble." he stepped closer to Blue Soul. "Who are you?"

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