Fresh Air -chapter five-

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(this is wholesome and nothing bad happens so yeah, trust me :D)

(Gaty pov)

After a bit Two calmed down, they stood up.

''Ready to find the person who killed four? Avenge your brother and make sure they can't hurt anyone else?''

They nodded

We headed outside the hotel, they seemed like they needed fresh air (haha title name), for being in their room for how long.

''It's really nice outside today.'' Two said as we walked outside. They are adorable, and wouldn't do anything to hurt anyone.

(Two pov)

Gaty gave me a slight smile, and went (SHE HAS PROSTHETICS!!) to hold my hand. Why does she still love and care about me when I'm a murderer.? She said I didn't do it, but i know I did and feel really guilty for it. 

Maybe she's trying to make me feel better.? I hope she stays, I couldn't stand the thought of losing her too.

(Four pov)

I was randomly teleported back to the nothingness of void.


''Did i fail to explain that you get teleported back here after a little bit?''


''Oh, well, now you know.''

Why was she so rude to me? I didn't do anything to them!

(Saw pov)

I thought about what Gaty had said.

"I don't believe everything I'm told..'' I look to Grassy, who was eating grass (you are what you eat-), the kid looks over to me. ''Do I.?''

''I don't know.. but dont be sad!'' Grassy went to gave me a hug.

Blocky walked away, as he mumbled while he did. ''How dare you take my son and prank partner.''

When did Blocky adopt Grassy?


-hii itz me again :3

-sorry its short (its kinda funny how Lonelylittleguy said i have long chapters lol)

-grass is blockys child and prank partner bc its nice :)

-i promise to make chapter six better (i kinda hate this chapter, sorry again its bad)

-ty for reading this!! have a good day/night/afternoon/evening/whenever your reading this!!!

                                 -hiiiellonice/ Jai

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