Chapter 2

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-James POV-

I was inside the room with Luna checking everything in our equipment before we head out. The blizzard was already gone so it gave us a chance to go out and move places. Luna suggested going to her base but I reminder her of me being human but she retaliated "Humans are welcome in a our base camp but do gotta do certain things to gain our trust"

I grunt a little while thinking 'It doesn't seem like a bad idea but' "How do I know you're not lying?" I had my suspicions about this "safe place" for humans.

"That....thats a fair question. I ain't got nothing but my word human" I sighed and went back to checking the equipment. "What do you wanna know that we're a safe place?" She asked while watching me inspect the ammunition.

"Anything that I know I can trust in, even if it's just a word from ur general" I side eye her but went back to the ammunition.
"We do got a radio so we can maybe contact them like that?" A suggestion that sounded pretty good "Only thing is it creates signal and considering we're stranded in the middle of nowhere we cannot trust the radio right now"

I finish checking the ammunition and get my focus on her which her ears were down. "Listen, I'm not denying it but other anthros can catch the signal and track us. We don't want another fight, especially since your shoulder hasn't completely healed yet" I put my hands on the sides of my hips.

"'re right I'm sor-" I throw her a jacket I found cutting her off from her apology "Don't say sorry to a suggestion, we will use the radio if only and absolutely necessary....also are these pants yours by any chance?" I take some big ass pants from the closet in the room.

Her ears flick a little before nodding her head "Y-Yes" I was flabbergasted from how big these pants were. "Goddamn well here you go then" I hand her the big ass pants and she takes them with a shy smile.

"Ima go ahead and step out for you to get dressed, also.....maybe we can give ur idea a try..." I step out and close the door behind me.

'I'll give you a chance, backstab me and a bullet is going through your skull and mine as well'

-Luna POV-

I look at the door confused but I shrug off for now and get up to get dressed 'Finally some clothes, it'll be a little tight but it's better than nothing.' I get the pants on which hugged my legs a little but it wasn't uncomfortable.  'He also threw me a shirt?' I look to the bed and see a large hoodie.

"Are there no other shirts for me by any chance?" I asked him to see if he was still behind the door "Nope, just some regular shirts that will make you look like you have a crop top.  Trust me, use the hoodie for now" I was kinda surprised on him still being there but I sighed and put the hoodie on.

It was a white color hoodie, it fit me perfectly.  "Where you get this?" I was looking at myself in the mirror for what felt like hours looking at this hoodie.  "Don't worry about that, are you done?"
He sounded like he was losing his patience.

I open the door, stepping out and turning my head to the right to see him leaning against a wall. "Took you long enough"
He started walking towards the stairs "So where is this base of yours anyways?" He both started descending the stairs. "About 26 miles from here, we have a car don't we?" He went towards the kitchen and grabbed some bags that I presume were equipment. "Unless you wanna attract a lot of attention, yeah we do"

I sighed on him having a point "So we're just gonna be walking for 26 miles now? You do know we're on a mountain right?" He stopped in his tracks and looked back, giving me a glare "Tell me, how long have you been in the military?" He turned around to face me completely. "Uh...umm 3 months" my ears go down at me admitting this.

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